Search results

  1. dconklin

    Have you ever promoted a post on Facebook?

    It seems now that if you add a status update on your Facebook page with a link that it doesn't always get seen by that many of your fans. At least that is what I noticed with mine. If I post a status without a link it reaches more people then if it has a link. I am wondering if it has to do...
  2. dconklin

    How do you transfer a Blogger blog to Wordpress?

    I am only playing with this idea because I do also like Blogger. Now that I had a taste of a self hosted Wordpress blog, I see how great it is to be there! I have a couple blogs on Blogger with my own domain name - not .blogspot domain - but only one would be going over to Wordpress if I...
  3. dconklin

    Should I add a forum to my Wordpress blog?

    I was thinking of maybe adding a forum to my Wordpress blog but more or less just for some discussion on local things. The blog is for sharing local businesses and events so I am not sure if it will just add to the loading time without serving a real purpose. I am still pretty new to Wordpress...
  4. dconklin

    Have you heard of Dofollow Checker?

    After another discussion talking about commenting and link building I decided to go through all of my inbound links to see exactly how many of them might be from commenting on blogs. When I was going through I found one of the links to my site was dofollowchecker(.)com - well it actually had 12...
  5. dconklin

    Do you auto follow on Twitter?

    I often follow my Twitter followers back out of respect but do not have it set up to auto follow. I have kept mine on manual tho as there are some people that I don't want to follow back for whatever the reason - usually something not appropriate. I have seen users that post it on their...
  6. dconklin

    Google+ commenting for Blogger

    I have noticed that now Blogger offers users the option to use Google+ commenting in place of the Blogger commenting form we have always been using. All your comments will be through G+ on your blog with it. I decided to try it today and I like it, but not sure if it will work as well as I...
  7. dconklin

    How do you share to Google+ automatically?

    My website is verified and linked on my Google+ page, but I am not sure how to set it up so that my posts automatically get shared onto my Google+ page. For example, my Blogger blogs have a place in the dashboard to link G+ to the blog. As soon as I publish a post it automatically prompts me...
  8. dconklin

    Great plugin for ads on your Wordpress site

    I have been browsing through a lot of the plugins on Wordpress and a little while ago I came across one for adding ads to your site. It is called WP125 and it allows you to add 125x125 ads on your site and it will automatically take care of keeping track of the time period you allow the ad up...
  9. dconklin

    Has anybody tried SiteLock?

    This may be for all websites whose hosting company offers this, but I posted it here as it is my Wordpress blog that I got offered this for. Have you tried SiteLock? It is supposed to scan your files and help protect your site from being hacked and also keep your site free of Malware. It...
  10. dconklin

    A section for Pinterest?

    Hi, I was wondering if we could have a special section under social media for Pinterest. It is growing strong and really is a great place to get traffic, especially to a blog. I get a good amount of traffic from it and I am not as active on Pinterest as I should be! There are things to learn...
  11. dconklin

    How do you verify ownership for Google Webmaster?

    I have a webmaster account and all of my Blogger blogs are verified, but I have not been able to verify my Wordpress blog. It is a self hosted blog and I have tried to upload the file that Google gives you into my hosting account, but Google seems to not recognize any time I add it. I know...
  12. dconklin

    Is it possible to block anonymous comments?

    I have been on Blogger since 2007. For one of my blogs I had to set the comments on moderation with the capcha which is a pain for my frequent readers. I noticed that I took a hit in commenting since adding the capcha and I get more spam now (may just be coincidence tho.) When I just had...
  13. dconklin

    Facebook Plugin for commenting on Wordpress

    I started my first Wordpress blog a few months ago (I am used to Blogger) and have been going through the various plugins they have available. One thing that I like the idea of is the Facebook plugin for commenting. I think it depends on what your blog is about, but I am wondering if this...
  14. dconklin

    Hello fellow webmasters

    Hi everybody! My name is Dawn and I am a mommy blogger who owns a few blogs about various topics. I am new to the community here, but not new to being a webmaster. I first started blogging in 2007 and bought my first domain in 2009. I have learned a lot throughout my blogging career and yet...