Search results

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    VideoBlocks/GraphicsStock - Warning

    These two companies (apparently owned by the same parent company) offer stock video, audio and graphical elements. They also offer a free trial period to test them out. Their content is mediocre at best, but the biggest problem I've been having with them is that they spam the hell out of you. I...
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    Pay Per Click - Click Fraud vs. Poorly Set Up Campaigns

    One of the big concerns when advertising on Pay Per Click services, is the potential for click fraud. The smaller networks aside from Google and Bing are particularly prone to this issue. Despite the measures in place that all these engines have to prevent it, it will still sometimes slip...
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    Alpha Transparency In HTML5 Video

    This is a neat demo of alpha transparency in video for Chrome. Traditionally this could have only been done via Flash, but we are now seeing other browsers beginning to support transparency in HTML5 video as well. As of right now, I can see it working properly in Chrome and Opera on my machines...
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    CSS Blend Modes - Finally

    It looks like we are on the verge of getting full support of blend modes in all the major browsers. The one major holdout for now is, surprise surprise, Internet Explorer. Those of you who work in Photoshop extensively will immediately...
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    Using Google Drive As A CDN

    This is a rather clever idea, though I don't think I would go through all the trouble for one of my sites personally: How To Use Google Drive as CDN For Your Website - Cube3x Also, I supposed you would have to keep a close eye on how much bandwidth you are using up each month. Even a small...
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    Sparkol Videoscribe

    This isn't an endorsement or affiliate link, so I will just get that out of the way first. I recently came across this program while searching for animation tools and wanted to share it here: VideoScribe - Sparkol VideoScribe It's a pretty unique product for what it does, if not a limited...
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    Hulu and Adblock Plus

    Does anyone know what the deal is with Hulu and AdBlock Plus? They used to block Hulu ads back in the day, then Hulu would ask you if you would like to give their site permissions instead. Now it seems AdBlock doesn't block Hulu at all any more and worse yet you need to manually find the filters...
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    Another Privacy Concern - ETags

    You can read more about them here: :: Cookieless Cookies Essentially it's another lesser known method for tracking users online that has been around for a couple of years now. Supposedly companies such as Hulu and KissMetrics are using it to continue to track users even if they have...
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    A5 HTML5 Animator

    A5 HTML5 Animator Another product that looks very similar to Adobe Edge Animate, only this app is made for Windows. It's from a German company, so you may need to adjust the language settings on the site first. I downloaded it and played around with it briefly and it...
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    Tumult Hype

    This looks like an alternative to Adobe's Edge Animate product, and it's for Mac's only I believe. The interface looks very similar to it. Tumult Hype If anyone happens to try this out, I would be interested to hear what your thoughts are on it. I would download it myself but I don't have a...
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    Aaron's Rental Stoes Spying On Customers

    This is absolutely insane and I can't believe this would actually be legal. What right do they have to spy on people in the privacy of their own homes. I understand it is their property, but that does not give them the right to be watching people on cam while they are getting dressed in their...
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    Fun Tool For Distorting Jpegs

    I've been playing around with this today. It's a tool for purposely distorting Jpegs and making them look all glitched out. image glitch experiment This kind of reminds me of some old programs I used to play around with a lot. One was called Auto Illustrator and the other one was called...
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    Adobe Photoshop CC and Adobe Edge Reflow CC Integration

    With the end of Adobe Fireworks, and the ultimate demise of Flash, they have since changed their direction and come up with a new set of applications for web development. One of them being a responsive design tool called ReFlow. I'm pretty new to this myself and still not entirely certain where...
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    The Appearance Panel In Illustrator

    This is a great tutorial on the Appearance Panel in Illustrator. Mastering the Appearance Panel | Learn Illustrator CS6 | Adobe TV If you are familiar with working with Layer Styles in Photoshop, you will soon discover that these options are much more limited in Illustrator. One thing...
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    Quick Tip For Grid Headaches In Illustrator

    If you are working on web graphics within Illustrator, you will probably want your shapes to snap to a grid, similar to how they are typically prepared in Photoshop or Fireworks. However, when working with vector shapes, a pixel isn't really the smallest unit of measurement, such as working with...
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    Do You Currently Use Webfonts?

    The ability to embed custom fonts into your web pages has been around for years now, though not widely supported and there were also issues with the licensing of the actual fonts themselves - not all fonts allowed you to share them over the web on pages publicly like that. Google Web Fonts has...
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    Do You Use Twitter Bootstrap or HTML5 Boilerplate?

    I've been hearing a lot of buzz about both of these being used as starting points with folks web design projects. While I generally get the gist of what they offer, personally I have yet to use either on any of my projects. The only thing I will sometimes use is the Eric Meyer CSS Reset, to...
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    CSS3P and CSS Hat - Quickly Create CSS Gradients & Other Effects

    CSS3P CSS3Ps - free cloud based photoshop plugin that converts layers to CSS3 styles. CSS Hat CSS Hat Just wanted to share these two Photoshop plugins. CSS3P is free and cloud hosted, while CSS Hat is a commercial plugin that works entirely within Photoshop. Both of them are very useful for...
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    What Do You Think Of The New Adobe CC Product Line?

    Has anyone else had a chance to get on the Creative Cloud and try out Adobe's new line of CC products? If so, what do you think of them so far? I was relatively pleased with the new changes to Photoshop CC. I liked the new features in Camera Raw as well as the over speed improvements when using...