which smartphone mobile company is best ever ..

The iOS is the most secure operating system on mobile, I've never heard of viruses on it. The apps audited line by line before being released on the market. The performance on every device is greater than anything I've seen on an android device.
Yeah and shady deals with uber allowing access through their apps to you camera and screen taps.


Phone viruses and other malware
As we said, there are still dangers out there for iPhone users.

In March 2017, Wikileaks released Vault 7, a collection of documents and files which purportedly reveal methods and strategies employed by the CIA - including a range of vulnerabilities they have used to break into iOS devices. Mind you, Apple insists that most of these have since been patched.

In its 2015 Threat Report, F-Secure Labs reports on several instances of malware penetrating Apple's 'walled garden' App Store. Instead of using social engineering to persuade users to download malware directly, hackers have learned to target the app developers, who then use "compromised tools to unwittingly create apps with secretly malicious behaviour".

Multiple apps - anywhere from 30 to 300, and many of them from reputable companies - were removed from the App Store in September 2015 because they contained the XCodeGhost malware. Later that year similar situations arose with apps based on UnityGhost, a compromised version of the Unity development framework, and on the Youmi SDK.