What is Bounce Rate?

bounce rate means the visitors visit on your page & then leave your page without visiting on next page & it is calculated by measuring the time visitors stay on that particular page or your website.
Bounce rate means the time you spend on a particular page without visiting on another page of same website. The time you spend on that site is measured & that is called bounce rate.

Bounce rate is the percentage of single page visits (sessions). It is the number of visits in which a person leaves your website from the landing page without browsing any further.
In Web analytics, including Google Analytics, bounce rate is the measurement in percentage of how many Web site visitors view only one page within your Web site – this is the one page they entered the site on (called the entrance page or landing page). These visitors view only that single page and exit the site on that same page. A high bounce rate typically indicates that the landing page isn't relevant to your visitor or you are not offering any incentive for the visitor to explore other areas and pages of your website.
Bounce Rate that the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. how many Web site visitors view only one page within your Web site

In Web analytics, including Google Analytics, bounce rate is the measurement in percentage of how many Web site visitors view only one page within your Web site – this is the one page they entered the site on (called the entrance page or landing page). These visitors view only that single page and exit the site on that same page. A high bounce rate typically indicates that the landing page isn't relevant to your visitor or you are not offering any incentive for the visitor to explore other areas and pages of your website.
Exactly, but how to reduce bounce rate? What you do to reduce this bounce rate? because GA shows high bounce rate nearly 70%. Which is an irritating thing for me.