What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate is a measure of the effectiveness of a website in encouraging visitors to continue with their visit. It is expressed as a percentage and represents the proportion of visits that end on the first page of the website that the visitor sees.
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who come to your website and leave without seeing any other pages on your website.
Hello! Bounce rate is the computation/percentage of the times your webpage was visited once, without any new page/s visited. Bounce rate happens when a visitor didn't find what he's looking for on your website. When your bounce rate increases, the tendency is that search engines like Google will take note of it and obviously lower your site's ranking.
Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit your website on a given page and don’t visit any other pages on your site. High bounce rate in itself doesn't mean it is a bad site. I would think google looks to see if you continue your search, going back to the google search results and looking at more sites.I really doubt that bounce rate make a different on SERP.
Bounce rate is defined as the percentage of visitors that entered or landed on your website and left without continuing to another page. The bounce rate percentage was made to help understand if the content on a website was what the visitor was looking for or not.
Bounce rate is basically the popularity of your website in search engines. It measures the rate at which visitors enter your website and leave. It can be monitored and viewed in Google Analytics.
Bounce rate is the ratio of time spent by the initial visitors. If you have install Google Analytics then it might happen that you get high bounce rate but if you want accurate data related to bounce rate then you should go with Gostats. It is free website analytics and hit counter.
Bounce ratio is a simple calculation that shows how effective your website performed in the eyes of visitors. When visitors leave your website in a short time or without making any engagement with your website (clicks, form filling and so on) it counts as a bounce, i.e is the user was not impressed by your website, this is not good for SEO. It makes sense to pay attention to the Ui and Ux concepts of your website.