what is anchor text...?

A word or word phrase that hyperlink to another page is Called Anchor Text

Example: <a href="#">Example of Anchor Text</a>
Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. The anchor text is also identified as the link title. An exact match anchor text has the same keywords tinted as the targeted keyword of a web page. Anchor texts are one of the many signals search engines use to decide the topic of a web page, and can direct to an internal or external web page.

well defined....
Anchor text, or the text used when linking to other sites, is very important in search engine optimization. Search engines use anchor text to try to determine what a site is about, so it's important to have relevant words, especially your target keywords and/or key phrase, as the anchor text of all incoming links to your site.
Anchor text is one word or one phrase used to insert links to your site, the visitor clicks on the word will display a link to your website.
Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text.