How Many Words in Content Or Article Good For SEO?


New member
Just wanted to ask other members what they think the number of the words be in an article to make it good for SEO and ranking high. For me I have found that about 800 words article performs best SEO wise but I want to hear it from other web masters what they think and how long they write their content to make it standing good in the eyes of search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo.
The Content word your articles short - in the 400 to 600 word range. 600 words is at the high end of what your readers are going to make time for.
Content for your article must be in 500-900 range so that you can make your readers get a brief explanation about your article .. Many articles submission sites ask for min of 400 words but if you submit your content with 500 less words your article is not approved because the content will be precised..
It's not worth it if it's less than 400 words. We aim for about 700. We've experimented with longer articles (2000 words), but it didn't make a difference to Google.
I wouldn't go for less than 500 words. There is a reason that the average content site doesn't want anything less than that.
Word count should be from 400 to 500 minimum to be good for SEO . Most press realease companies requires nothing less than 400 words
I'll always go for 600 or more. Some people believe that long articles are not user-friendly. But actually, it really depends on whether users will be interested in the article or not. The trick is to section the article into headings and subheadings to help your readers easily find what they want.
I'll always go for 600 or more. Some people believe that long articles are not user-friendly. But actually, it really depends on whether users will be interested in the article or not. The trick is to section the article into headings and subheadings to help your readers easily find what they want.

I think once you find a core audience that is clearly showing that what you are writing is of interest to them, a longer article isn't a bad thing. They are investing time in your site, so they are willing to take time on an in depth post.
In my opinion 400to 500word be perfect for a article. Best article sites like enzine article site do not article below 400 word content.
I think if you are doing daily posts, then you can go 300-500, but at least once or twice a week, you should have something longer to really keep them there and interested in what you are doing on that site.
400+ words, but you really shouldn't worry about the length of the article, just make sure it's good quality, and you're writing about something that'll keep your users interested in your content.
Ohio, thanks for the article. I really am happy to know that I am creating the correct plan for my sites. I don't know how quickly success will come, but at least I am thinking on the right plain from the beginning. Makes it much easier to tinker from there.
500 -1000 words per article and should be written by an expert writer with experience in the subject/topic.

Tips: If, it is a blog site or niche site. Home page of the site should have 1500 words.