How Many Words in Content Or Article Good For SEO?

The BIGGER the BETTER.. to an extent... I've noticed longer articles (1200+ words) ranking significantly better than ones around the 500 word threshold for about a year now.
Content for your article must be in 500-900 range so that you can make your readers get a brief explanation about your article .. Many articles submission sites ask for min of 400 words but if you submit your content with 500 less words your article is not approved because the content will be precised..
Goals in Google Analytics allow you to track specific user interactions on your site. These user interactions can be anything including form submissions, button clicks, ebook downloads, and more. When a website visitor performs the specific action that you've defined as a goal, Analytics records that as a conversion.
I think we should think about visitor side. More visitor is less interest to read long content, So we need to write a short content and more informatics. Article length should be within 500- 600 words and for the blog within 300-400 words.

you can check here fro example blog.