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Hong Kong will on Monday release October figures for consumer prices, highlighting a light day for Asia-Pacific economic activity.

In September, the annual inflation rate was 1.4 percent.

Taiwan will provide October numbers for export orders and unemployment. In September, export orders surged 25.7 percent on year, while the jobless rate was 3.92 percent.

China will release the prime rates for one-year and five-year loans; previously, they were 3.85 percent and 4.65 percent, respectively.

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Consumer confidence in South Korea picked up steam in November, the latest survey from the Bank of Korea showed on Tuesday with a sentiment index score of 107.6 - up from 106.8 in October.

Consumer sentiment regarding current living standards was unchanged at 92, while the outlook was one point lower than in the previous month at 97.

Consumer sentiment related to future household income was unchanged at 101, and the outlook was three points higher at 115.

Consumer sentiment concerning current domestic economic conditions was one point higher than in the previous month at 81, and the outlook was unchanged at 96.

The expected inflation rate for the following year was 2.7 percent.

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Business sentiment survey results from Germany and France are due on Wednesday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 2.45 am ET, France's statistical office Insee publishes business sentiment survey results. The business confidence index is expected to drop to 106 in November from 107 in October.

At 3.00 am ET, business sentiment data is due from the Czech Republic.

At 4.00 am ET, Germany's ifo Institute is scheduled to issue business sentiment data. The confidence index is seen at 96.6 in November versus 97.7 in October.

At 6.00 am ET, the Confederation of British Industry releases Industrial Trends survey results. The order book balance is expected to improve to 13 in November from 9 in the previous month.

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Revised quarterly national accounts and consumer sentiment survey results are due from Germany on Thursday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 2.00 am ET, Destatis releases Germany's GDP data for the third quarter. According to initial estimate, the economy had expanded 1.8 percent sequentially, after rising 1.9 percent in the second quarter.

In the meantime, the market research group Gfk is slated to issue Germany's consumer confidence survey results. The forward-looking sentiment index is seen at -0.5 in December versus +0.9 in November.

At 3.00 am ET, Spain's INE is slated to issue producer prices data for October. Prices had advanced 23.6 percent annually in September.

Half an hour later, Sweden's central bank announces its monetary policy decision. In the meantime, Statistics Sweden issues producer prices and household lending data. At 4.00 am ET, Poland's unemployment data is due. The jobless rate is seen at 5.5 percent in October versus 5.6 percent in September.

At 6.00 am ET, the Confederation of British Industry releases Distributive Trades survey results.

At 7.30 am ET, the European Central Bank publishes the account of the monetary policy meeting of the governing council held on October 27 and 28.

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Quarterly national accounts data from Switzerland is due on Friday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 2.00 am ET, Destatis releases Germany's import prices for October. Import price inflation is expected to climb to 19.6 percent from 17.7 percent in September.

In the meantime, retail sales and household consumption figures are due from Norway.

At 2.45 am ET, France Insee is scheduled to issue consumer sentiment survey results. The confidence index is expected to fall marginally to 98 in November from 99 in October.

At 3.00 am ET, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, or SECO, releases Swiss GDP data for the third quarter. Economists forecast the economy to grow 2 percent sequentially after rising 1.8 percent in the second quarter. In the meantime, economic tendency survey results are due from Sweden.

At 3.30 am ET, Statistics Sweden publishes retail sales for October. Sales had dropped 0.3 percent on month in September.

At 4.00 am ET, the European Central Bank releases monetary aggregates for October. M3 is forecast to grow 7.4 percent annually, the same rate as seen in September.

Also, business confidence from Italy and manufacturing Purchasing Managers' survey results from Austria are due.

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Dutch producer confidence improves in November, data from the Central Bureau of Statistics showed on Monday.

The producer sentiment index rose to 12.7 in November from 12.3 in October. This was above the average score of 0.7 seen over the past twenty years.

The latest reading was the strongest since 1985.

Producers were particularly positive about the order position, while assessment of stocks of finished goods improved, the agency said.

There were more entrepreneurs who expected their production to increase in the coming three months, the agency said.

The producers in the electrical and machine industry were more positive in November.

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Estonia retail sales increased in October, data from Statistics Estonia showed on Tuesday.

Retail sales, excluding motor vehicles and motor cycles trade, rose 10.0 percent year-on-year in October.

"In October, turnover increased in grocery stores and in stores selling manufactured goods as well as in enterprises engaged in the retail sale of automotive fuel," Jaanika Tiigiste, leading analyst at Statistics Estonia, said.

The biggest increase was seen in stores selling manufacturing goods, by 16.0 percent and stores selling household goods and appliances, hardware and building materials rose 21.0 percent.

On a monthly basis, retail sales fell 2.0 percent in October.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, retail sales gained 1.0 percent monthly in October.

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The manufacturing sector in China slipped into contraction territory in November, the latest survey from Caixin revealed on Wednesday with a manufacturing PMI score of 49.9.

That's down from 50.6 in October and it falls beneath the boom-or-bust line of 50 that separates expansion from contraction.

Chinese manufacturing output rose for the first time since July during November, though the rate of expansion was only fractional. Panel members indicated that firmer market conditions and a relative improvement in energy supply had supported higher production. That said, subdued customer demand, rising costs and limited power supply at some firms dampened overall growth.

Total new work fell marginally in November, following two months of expansion. Some firms linked relatively muted demand conditions to the pandemic and high output prices. New work from abroad also fell, albeit at the softest rate for four months, amid reports of reduced foreign demand due to the ongoing pandemic and challenges in shipping items to clients.

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The value of owner-occupied home loans in Australia was down a seasonally adjusted 4.1 percent on month in October, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said on Thursday - coming in at A$19.84 billion.

That missed forecasts for an increase of 1.0 percent following the 2.7 percent decline in September.

Investment lending was up 1.1 percent to A$9.73 billion after gaining 1.4 percent in the previous month.

Overall home loans were worth A$29.57 billion, down 2.5 percent on month.

On a yearly basis, owner occupied loans were up 15.1 percent, investment lending skyrocketed 89.6 percent and overall lending surged 32.2 percent.

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Fitch Ratings downgraded the outlook on Turkey's sovereign ratings to Negative from Stable, citing various risks to macroeconomic and financial stability and potential external financing pressures.

The rating agency said the central bank's premature monetary policy easing cycle and the prospect of further rate cuts or additional economic stimulus ahead of the 2023 presidential election have led to a deterioration in domestic confidence, reflected in a sharp depreciation of the Turkish lira and rising inflation.

These developments create risks to macroeconomic and financial stability and could potentially re-ignite external financing pressures, Fitch noted.

Further, the agency viewed that the proximity of the 2023 electoral cycle will have an impact on policy direction and expectations of economic actors.

The sovereign ratings were affirmed at 'BB-'. The credit ratings reflect weak monetary policy credibility, high inflation, low external liquidity in the context of high financing requirements and geopolitical risks.

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Australia will on Monday see November figures for job ads and inflation, highlighting a light day for Asia-Pacific economic activity.

In October, the job advertisement survey from ANZ was up 6.2 percent on month, while the inflation gauge from TD Securities was up 0.2 percent on month.

Also, the markets in Thailand are closed on Monday in observance of the late King Bhumibol's birthday; they'll re-open on Tuesday.

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EUR/USD: Euro believed in itself and pushed the US dollar aside

The European currency was under strong pressure at the beginning of this week, fluctuating on the verge of a serious collapse. However, it found balance and tried to rise, pulling the EUR/USD pair to a new level.

In view of a relatively volatile US dollar, the euro steadily fell, occasionally rising to an acceptable level. Experts did not give it a chance, because the ECB's "dovish" strategy was acting against it. It can be recalled that the European regulator adheres to the position of non-interference in the current monetary policy, refusing to curtail incentives and raise rates. It seems that the ECB is following the path of the Fed, which until recently insisted on the "temporary" nature of inflation. Now, its European colleague is doing this.

The US currency retains its basic strength against the European one. It is supported by market expectations about the tightening of the Fed's monetary policy and the prospect of a rate hike in May next year. According to preliminary calculations, three rate increases are expected in 2022, starting from the last month of spring. This decision is facilitated by the revival of inflation expectations in the United States, which recovered after falling to the highs of November 2021.

Analysts explain the current strengthening of the indicator by the "hawkish" attitude of the Fed, whose representatives ignored weak data on the US labor market (nonfarm payrolls). The focus is on the upcoming report on US inflation, which may cover the negative impact of Nonfarm data. According to preliminary estimates, US consumer prices in November increased to 6.7% year-on-year.

At the moment, there is a situation in the market that is not too favorable for the US currency. Experts have recorded an increase in risk sentiment and a departure from the "safe haven" currencies, primarily from the USD. On Wednesday morning, the EUR/USD pair was trading at the level of 1.1294. The euro managed to make an upturn and catch up a little. A day earlier, the Euro currency was trading in the range of 1.1263-1.1266.

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AUD/USD: Australian dollar is on upswing

The Australian dollar is growing on increased risk appetite, pushing new highs. However, it could be a short-term rise, analysts warn.

AUD started the week on an uptrend and extended it on Tuesday, making the biggest gains in six weeks. AUD/USD added 0.6% on Tuesday and reached 0.7091. The rally was triggered by the meeting of the Reserve Bank of Australia, which left the key interest rate at the record low level of 0.10%. On Wednesday, the Australian currency reached the weekly high on increased risk appetite. AUD/USD slightly rebounded but remained on the upswing, hovering near 0.7135.

The Australian dollar rose on positive news regarding the new Omicron strain of COVID-19, which could be less severe than previously anticipated. According to Philip Lowe, governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, the emergence of Omicron is "a new source of uncertainty", but it won't obstruct the economic recovery.

A preliminary outlook suggests that Australian economy would reach pre-pandemic levels in the first half of 2022. By downplaying Omicron risks, the regulator hinted at an earlier interest rate hike. Earlier, the RBA warned it would not raise the rate until 2023. The markets have already priced in a possible rate hike, as market players expect a change in monetary policy by July 2022.

Improving business sentiment in Asia and rising iron ore prices also gave support to the Aussie. AUD was also boosted by improved outlook of the Reserve Bank of Australia on economic recovery. According to Philip Lowe, household consumption and the labor market are expected to recover by the end of 2021, along with a further rise of salaries and increased investments. The high level of vaccination in Australia and the resulting collective immunity is the likely reason to Omicron's low impact on the Australian economy. As a result, the country could avoid new lockdowns and put its economy back on track.

Decreasing unemployment is another positive factor for Australia - in November, the amount of job vacancies exceeded the pre-pandemic level by 44%. An outlook by ANZ sees unemployment fall to 4% by the end of 2022, while wages growth would rise to 3%. Thanks to relaxed quarantine measures boosting the Australian economy, the amount of job vacancies soared by 7.4% in November, as companies actively increased their spending.

AUD has also found support in rising inflation expectations. The RBA expects inflation to reach 2.5% in 2023. Currently, the base inflation rate is near the lower end of the inflation target range of 2-3%. Given the current situation, the regulator is open to revising its bond buying program, as well as potentially cancelling it in February 2022. The end of QE stimulus and positive economic trends push the Australian dollar up.

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Inflation, Fed and ECB meeting: Degree of nervousness is growing, steep voyage to dollar and euro is guaranteed

We dreamed about the growth of the euro and that's enough. The harsh reality suggests that any bounce in the EUR/USD pair will be short-lived and insignificant. Bulls are left to put on a good face with a bad game.

In the markets, it is not difficult to notice a general cooling to risk. The optimistic mood that prevailed at the beginning of the week began to decline and, to some extent, even gave way to skepticism. Investors assess the situation with the new strain more soberly and try not to react to all messages in a row. Three doses of Pfizer's vaccine should protect against Omicron, but this is just initial laboratory testing and time will tell how it actually works under the new circumstances.

Convincing positive statements have not yet been reported; instead, a new variant of the virus has been detected in almost 60 countries around the world, and WHO is confident that the number will continue to grow. Such a background can quickly return stock markets to a bearish correction mode. Potentially high inflation data in the US, which will be published on Friday, also speaks in favor of this scenario. Annual inflation is expected to accelerate to 6.8% in November, the highest since 1982.

Markets are preparing to evaluate this report and will gradually switch to meetings of the world's central banks (US, England, EU and Japan) next week. Another jump in US inflation will increase the chances of a more aggressive Fed tightening. At the end of the week, profit-taking will be justified, including on the eve of the FOMC meeting.

In this context, it will be most interesting to observe the EUR/USD pair. Given the Fed's hawkish rhetoric and the ECB's reluctance to respond to accelerating inflation, the downside risks for the euro are quite high. The stronger the contrast between the central bank, the deeper the quotes of the pair may sink.

This week, the euro tried to rebound from the lows, which somewhat encouraged bulls and even misled. Nevertheless, relying on the available information, the single currency has no chance of a victorious rise against the dollar.

Some market players stubbornly continue to admit the possibility of a change in the ECB's rhetoric. The leader of the financial flock - the Fed - has changed its attitude to inflation, now it is Europe's turn. At least this happens, if not always, then often. The ECB is basically copying the moves of the Fed. How will it be this time? The pandemic has changed everyone and everyone who knows what will happen next ...

Regarding the recent rise in EUR/USD above 1.1300, the euro could benefit from the sharp jump in the EUR/GBP rate. This dynamic was fueled by reports of new COVID-19 restrictions being introduced in the UK.

On Thursday, the euro sank again, in the American session the dollar increased after the publication of the weekly data on the US labor market. The number of initial applications for unemployment benefits fell by 43,000 compared with the revised figure of the previous week, to 184,000. The value was the lowest since September 1969.

The situation looks like the euro is likely to continue to decline to the 1.1200 area. The dynamics that we have seen this week can only be called volatility in the range of 1.1200-1.1350. Until the Fed and ECB meetings next week, the market just decided to wait out in a range.

If you look at the technical picture, then it is more likely not sideways, but a converging triangle-pennant. In other words, the market deals with the continuation of the trend, that is, with the decline.

If the level of 1.1200 is broken at the end of the week, the EUR/USD pair will go to new lows to 1.1100 and below. In any case, until the quote breaks through the 1.1400 mark, it will be at least wrong to expect an upward trend.

Scotiabank and Nomura are still waiting for the euro to reach 1.1000. Analysts believe that the downside risk will diminish only if the 1.1434 level is broken.

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The dollar is plagued with doubts: Will there be a pre-New Year rally?

Judging by the latest data, the peak of inflation has not been passed, the rise in prices continues to eat into the economy. As predicted, U.S. annual inflation accelerated to a 40-year high, or 6.8%, in November. In theory, this should force the Central Bank to increase its efforts to combat it. It is believed that the new numbers will not have much of an impact on the Fed's

December monetary policy meeting. Despite the fact that Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell spoke about the occurrence of unpleasant surprises, if he does not accelerate the process of abandoning bond purchases, next week there may be a confrontation between the doves and the hawks of the Fed.

The former will look for signs of a short-term weakening in the growth of prices for goods sold. Gasoline prices, for example, have been declining for a month. The latter focuses on the penetration of inflation in such areas as rent. The CPI will also be taken into account with its important component – inflation expectations.

In the meantime, the markets are laying down a high probability that the Fed will double the pace of curtailing incentives with the expectation of completing QE in March or April. Thus, the first-rate increase may occur in May. There is a 63% probability for such a scenario development. One increase by the end of 2022 is estimated at 98%, two – at 89.5, and three - at 67%.

Yes, Powell has switched to the side of the hawks, investors' expectations look too optimistic somehow. What if inflation starts to slow down? After the crisis of 2008, inflation began to recover quite quickly, while economic growth remained unstable.

Perhaps America is already approaching an inflationary peak, given the growth of the dollar index by 8% in six months and a decrease in the intensity of logistical problems. Of course, there is no question of returning to the target of 2%. A temporary stop somewhere in the region of 4% would be quite a suitable option.

Otherwise, the Fed will have to move away from the zero interest rate policy. However, it is not a fact that the regulator will start acting from the series right now. The most reasonable thing, as economists like to say, is to leave the door open for a faster tightening of monetary policy.

Dollar forecast

As for the dollar, analysts predict that its direction will remain bullish in the coming days. There is no other way here yet: The Fed should accelerate the curtailment of QE, while other regulators, including the ECB and the Bank of Japan, take a much less hawkish position.

The fact that the U.S. currency index broke through and held above 94.65 indicates its long-term bullish positioning. The technical picture will remain on its side, even if it shows weakness at some point.

Growth towards the upper limit of the 6-year range looks quite viable. The main target remains the level of 100.00, especially considering that the greenback failed to stay above it several times.

The outlook for the dollar will look very attractive, at least until other Central Banks are revived. Next week, the meetings of the Bank of England and the ECB are scheduled. They will not raise rates - it is not even discussed, but they will hint at the possibility of taking action in response to inflation. Even these words will be enough to lift their national currencies from their knees. The question is, will they do it?

It is important to understand that the dollar will not grow forever either. Given the expected tax hike and tighter monetary policy, the greenback could soon form a top.

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Again I am writing about analysis that we all should get accurate analysis to make money from Forex market and for sure we can use FreshForex broker's education section as they always update this section by their expert analyst.

European equities closed lower

Britain's FTSE 100 shed 0.8%, Germany's DAX shed 0.01%, France's CAC 40 shed 0.7%, Spain's IBEX 35 shed 0.5% and Italy's FTSE MIB shed 0.6%. Air France-KLM shares lost 3.4%. The airline said it had paid the French authorities € 500 million in debt repayment totaling € 4 billion. In addition,

Air France-KLM agreed with the country's authorities to change the debt repayment schedule: if earlier it had to pay off the debt in full in May 2023, now it will be able to pay it off until May 2025.

Germany's Daimler Truck Holding AG, a truck maker, rose 10.7% in its second trading session after divesting from Daimler. JPMorgan analysts have set the target price for the company's shares at 48 euros per share, while Bank of America has set a different price, 40 euros. At the same time, Daimler AG's value fell 0.3% yesterday.

The capitalization of the German software developer SAP AG increased by 2.6% after analysts at UBS improved the recommendation on the stock of the company from neutral to buy.

Australian biopharmaceutical company CSL has confirmed that it is in talks to buy the Swiss drug manufacturer Vifor Pharma. Vifor Pharma shares jumped 18.5%.

Credit Suisse Group AG on Monday announced a structural reorganization and appointed new chief executives for its core divisions. The structure of the bank from next year will consist of 4 main business divisions and 4 regional divisions. Credit Suisse lost 1.8%.

Shares in British mining company Rio Tinto fell 0.1%. The company will write off $ 2.3 billion in debt from the Mongolian government to finally move forward with the expansion of the Oyu Tolgoi gold-copper project.

The market is awaiting meetings of the world's largest central banks scheduled for this week.

The Federal Reserve System (FRS) is holding a two-day meeting on December 14-15, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England will release their decisions on December 16, the Bank of Japan will hold a meeting on December 17.

The ECB is expected to discuss at the upcoming meeting the future prospects for its asset repurchase programs, while the Fed may decide to step up the pace of its quantitative easing (QE) program, which it launched in November.

The Bank of England is likely to keep monetary policy parameters unchanged, as the latest GDP data proved disappointing, and in addition, the country's authorities are introducing new restrictions to contain the spread of COVID-19.

The UK National Statistical Office (ONS) on Friday reported a slowdown in the country's GDP growth in October to 4.6% on an annualized basis from 5.3% a month earlier.

The statistics released on Monday showed an acceleration in the growth of wholesale prices in Germany in November to a record 16.6% in annual terms. As noted by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis), the growth of wholesale prices accelerated compared to 15.2% in October against the background of higher prices for raw materials and intermediate goods.

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Eurozone production rises - economic recovery pushes numbers up

According to the report, eurozone industrial production increased in October - the forecasts of economists came true. At the same time, the largest increase in comparison with the previous month was shown by the sector of production of consumer goods and durable goods, and the volume of production of short-term goods is even leading year-on-year.

Manufacturing in the eurozone is growing - the economic recovery pushes the numbers up

The statistical office Eurostat reported that industrial production in 19 countries using the euro increased by 1.1% in October compared to the previous month. This is 3.3% more compared to the same period last year. Median estimates of economists predicted growth of 1.2% per month and 3.2% per year.

Eurostat reported that compared with September, the volume of industrial production of goods produced with the attraction of investments increased by 3.0% after falls in August and September. On an annualized basis, the production of such goods increased by 5.2%, which shows the volume of flows that hit the financial and production segments.

The output of durable goods also rose sharply, increasing by 1.7% for the month and 2.3% for the year, while the production of consumer goods for short-term use was 6.9% higher than a year earlier, continuing the general trend of strong growth in the previous months.

Of course, the economic recovery will not last forever. Some economists even believe that a sharp rise in demand, combined with supply disruptions and further quarantine measures, may over-stimulate inflation. Nevertheless, against the background of restrictions in energy resources, the recovery of the eurozone economy looks optimistic.

This is likely to push the euro up, especially against the background of sad news from the United States about the growth of consumer prices. March Euro Stoxx 50 futures have grown well after the release of the data.

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US shares higher at close of trade; Dow Jones up 1.08%

At the close in New York, the Dow Jones gained 1.08%, the S&P 500 climbed 1.63% and the NASDAQ Composite rose 2.15%.

In the leaders of growth among the components of the Dow Jones at the end of today's trading were shares of Cisco Systems Inc, which rose in price by 2.16 points (3.74%), to close at 59.93. UnitedHealth Group Incorporated rose 3.11% or 14.92 points to end at 494.38. Apple Inc rose 2.85% or 4.97 points to end at 179.30.

The biggest losers were Nike Inc, which fell 0.91% or 1.50 points to end the session at 163.90. JPMorgan Chase & Co is up 0.75% or 1.19 points to end at 157.94, while Chevron Corp is down 0.57% or 0.66 points to 115. , 56.

Eli Lilly and Company, which gained 10.39% to 275.28, and Advanced Micro Devices Inc, gained 8.04% to close at 146.50, were the top performers among the S&P 500 index components at the end of today's trading. and NVIDIA Corporation, which rose 7.49% to end the session at 304.59.

The biggest decline was led by Nucor Corp, which fell 8.61% to close at 108.22. Medtronic PLC shed 6.04% to end the session at 104.94. Newmont Goldcorp Corp was down 3.45% to 54.23.

The leaders of growth among the components of the NASDAQ Composite index at the end of today's trading were the shares of Theseus Pharmaceuticals Inc, which rose 34.12% to 12.58, CMC Materials Inc, which gained 33.93%, to close at 195.50, and also Biofrontera Inc, which rose 26.36% to end at 6.95.

The biggest losers were ATAI Life Sciences BV, which fell 31.94% to close at 6.82. Pulmatrix Inc shed 31.58% to trade at 0.4851. China Xiangtai Food Co Ltd was down 28.17% to 1.8100.

On the New York Stock Exchange, the number of securities that gained in price (2,151) exceeded the number of securities that closed in the red (1109), while the quotations of 149 shares remained practically unchanged. On the NASDAQ stock exchange, 2,462 companies rose in price, 1,332 declined, and 218 remained at the level of the previous close.

Eli Lilly and Company rose to an all-time high, climbing 10.39%, 25.90 points, to close at 275.28. Medtronic PLC shares fell to a 52-week low, down 6.04%, 6.75 points to 104.94. Cisco Systems Inc rose to the all-time high, climbing 3.74%, 2.16 points to trade at 59.93. UnitedHealth Group Incorporated rose to an all-time high, gaining 3.11%, 14.92 points to trade at 494.38. ATAI Life Sciences BV shares fell to historic lows, shedding 31.94%, 3.20 points to end at 6.82. Pulmatrix Inc shares fell to historic lows, down 31.58%, 0.2239 points to trade at 0.4851.

The CBOE Volatility Index, which measures the value of S&P 500 options trading, was down 11.88% to trade at 19.29.

Gold Futures for February delivery was up 0.29% or 5.10 to $ 1,777.40 a troy ounce. In other commodities, WTI crude for January delivery rose 1.05%, or 0.74, to $ 71.47 a barrel. Futures contracts for Brent oil for February delivery fell 0.01% or 0.01 to trade at $ 74.31 a barrel.

Meanwhile, on the Forex market, the EUR / USD pair was up 0.09% to hit 1.1295, while the USD / JPY was up 0.00% to hit 114.03.

The US Dollar Index Futures was down 0.25% at 96.293.

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Fed's "hawkish" rhetoric last week supported the US dollar. Now, where will the complicated path of inflation take this currency?

The US currency is in the hands of inflation but is trying to consolidate in an upward trend, and it did not succeed. The desire of this currency to benefit from a difficult situation provides it with leadership among other currencies.

According to analysts, inflation has a complicated path, so it is difficult to predict where it will lead the US dollar. Meanwhile, the Fed's hawkish tactics, which the regulator showed last week, helped it. As a result, the US currency got stronger and continues to move in an upward spiral.

The US dollar rose after the Fed's meeting, against the background of statements by the regulator about the high probability of an early curtailment of incentives and an increase in interest rates in March 2022. On Monday morning, it was around the highest level recorded since July 2020. The EUR/USD pair was trading at the level of 1.1253, while the euro slightly lost its position, which it successfully gained last Friday.

However, the off-the-scale inflation that is recorded not only in the United States but also in a number of other countries has worsened the situation in the financial markets. The "hawkish" turn in the Fed's strategy led to a mass flight of investors into safe-haven currencies, primarily the US dollar. In view of this, there was a strong rally in US Treasury bonds. Many analysts believe that the narrowing of the Fed's balance sheet and multiple rate hikes will lead to a sharp reduction in the share of borrowed funds. This may negatively affect the state of the real economy and the inflation rate, as well as further decisions of the regulator regarding rates. According to analysts at Saxo Bank, "the luxury that the Fed does not have now is the ability to ignore inflation, which will decrease under any easing scenario if asset markets do not collapse amid a sharp reduction in risk appetites."

Currently, the global bond market is seriously concerned about the fate of the US economy. Even if inflation slows down, that is, under a favorable scenario, it is too early to rejoice: the damage to the American economy has already been done, and prices are still quite high, despite the measures taken by the Fed. It can be recalled that in the late 1970s - early 1980s of the twentieth century, Former Fed Chairman P. Volcker increased the base rate of federal funds more than twice (from 9% to 20%) in the course of solving extremely high inflation, which reached 13%. As a result, the United States economy was in a severe crisis in 1982, but by the end of that year, inflation had fallen to 5%. At the same time, the base rate on federal funds has returned to 9%. However, the American authorities now are trying to prevent such a development. They seek to prevent possible negative consequences of accelerated inflation: mass unemployment, a significant drop in living standards, and stagnation of the national economy.

Regarding the future fate of the US dollar, experts agree on its weakening as a means of payment, which is used between countries outside the United States. However, as the main world currency, USD remains the undisputed leader. Most reserve currencies are less in demand than greenbacks. According to experts, non-dollar assets are still inferior to dollar assets, although the world's central banks diversify their currency portfolios in a timely manner, reducing the share of USD investments and increasing stocks of the euro, yuan, British pound, etc.

Currently, the US currency is rarely used in settlements in the countries of Southeast Asia: the yuan is used here, and the euro is used in Europe. At the same time, the US share in global GDP does not exceed 23%-24%, which negatively affects the dynamics of the US dollar. According to forecasts, it will decline to 20% by the end of this decade, and this will significantly weaken its position.

However, the temporary weakness of the US dollar does not mean that other currencies are strong enough to take the lead. Experts are sure that its weakness will not lead to its disappearance. In the third decade of the XXI century, it will retain its dominant position against the background of the lack of serious potential for other currencies. None of them can compete with the US dollar, not even the euro.

Analysts said that sustainable economic development will become a catalyst for the growth of the global stock market in 2022. At the same time, managers of a number of large companies consider the "hawkish rush" of central banks to be the biggest risk for most stocks. The US dollar will end this year at its highest recorded in the last 6 years. According to experts, the key factors behind the strengthening of the US currency are the upcoming rate hike and the reduction in the Fed's balance sheet. In 2022, some currency strategists are forecasting four interest rate hikes instead of three. In this situation, experts recommend buying the US dollar and selling other currencies.

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