Search results

  1. O

    How to increase visitors for my wordpress blog?

    You could start by doing some keyword research on your industry, and go after topics with high interest and low competition. You will often find ideas for this by searching for currently trending topics in the news, such as announcements of new products, new services, etc... Write targeted and...
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    Zemanta Alternatives

    There is another service I had come across in the past called Outbrain that offers something similar. I think the bad thing about these services are that they can potentially be viewed by Google as elaborate link schemes and cause the sites in the network to become penalized for a variety of...
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    About Word Press

    Plugins add functionality to your Wordpress blog, but you need to be careful about which ones you choose and the overall number of plugins you have installed in total. When you're dealing with a lot of plugins, you can start to run into conflicts between them. Also, you need to be more vigilant...
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    Header Slider

    There are a plethora of slider plugins out there that will allow you to add one to your Wordpress site. Some are free while others are commercial. You can pick up a pretty full featured one for less than $15 on Code Canyon. Not all of them will allow you to place a static logo that remains on...
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    Are you personal on your blog?

    I misunderstood the title of this thread initially. Yes, I typically write with "you" and "we" and words like that. Unless perhaps it was a touchy subject, and/or I didn't want to sound presumptuous. In that case I might say something like, "some percentage of people prefer to do this...". But...
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    How Much Have You Made Taking Surveys?

    Absolutely nothing. And if I see anyone posting links encouraging me to join a specific service, I usually will see an affiliate link on the end of it. Most of these services will collect data from your for about 10-15 minutes, redirecting you over and over again to different sites, and will...
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    Broad Match Keyword

    Broad Match is one of three keyword match types on Google and Bing's paid search programs. The other two are Phrase Match and Exact Match. Exact Match is the easiest of the bunch, it simply means the keyword phrase as is, in the exact order, with no additional words within, before or after...
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    Securing & optimizing your website!

    I didn't have much success with any CDN network to date. I think it might have something to do with the built in caching features already in my current theme. The only thing that has worked somewhat for me was another plugin called Hypercache.
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    Blog hosted by 2 hosting company?

    The blog may be physically hosted at two locations, but the domain name will only be pointing to one of the two at any given time. That's how domain name servers work. They communicate with the registrars to route traffic from people's web browsers to the correct servers that the sites are...
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    Wordpress or Joomla?

    True, if you are going to rely on plugins to convert Wordpress into something that it isn't initially, such as an online shopping cart - you should consider how stable and widely used the plugin is. Some developers release various plugins and then don't support them later on. On the other hand...
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    Common Mistakes Webmasters Make - Matt Cutt

    To the first point, particularly with Wordpress blogs, there is a setting to discourage the engines from indexing your site. This is fine in the beginning when you are just getting the site set up and it's not ready for prime time yet. But it's important to not forget to turn this off when you...
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    Advantages of blogging in wordpress?

    Generally speaking, for people who are brand new to creating web sites, starting off with a Wordpress site is a big head start as opposed to building a site from the ground up in HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript. You can focus more on the content and less on the technical aspects. Most...
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    WAMP Server

    Apparently you need to be pretty careful with this and Xampp, and don't try to play around with the settings too much because you can open your computer up to hackers. I've heard there are a lot of hacking apps out there that scan for wide open Wamp and Xampp servers, and infect them with bots...
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    Do you use Dreamweaver?

    I used to use a lot of the Dreamweaver specific functionality a lot, like 10+ years ago, but now I use it mainly just for coding stuff for Wordpress. I love the program and just feel comfortable working in it. It's like an HTML/CSS encyclopedia while you are coding away. I will say though, I...
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    Are HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS enough to build a aesthetically pleasing website.

    You *could* pull that illustration of a laptop and papers off with an SVG image, but you would still need to create the image in a program like Illustrator then export it as an SVG. There's no feasible way to hand code that image, it looks like a bunch of encrypted mumbo jumbo when you export...
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    Good at "winging" it?

    I generally wing it with a lot of my projects, at least to the effect that I don't waste a tremendous amount of time asking for their feedback on every small detail. I'm generally designing things for small businesses, who don't have much expertise to be making micro level design decisions like...
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    If you are used to working in Photoshop, or are completely new to these programs, I will say that Illustrator can be a little tricky to learn at first - especially the pen tool, and becoming fluent with bezzier curves. Hang in there and trace over some images and sooner or later you'll get the...
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    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Captcha

    I wonder if you could do some sort of mouse tracking to see where the dropoff is occurring more specifically on the page. It's generally pretty obvious when a page has a captcha on it, so if they are starting to fill out the form but cannot seem to complete the captcha - that would indicate...
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    Where Do You Get Your Fonts?

    There are some high profile font designers who also have their fonts on Dafont as well - it's not all amateurs. But it is kind of tedious to go through all of them to find the good ones. Often times if you do some searches for stuff like "best free fonts of 2013" or something like that you will...
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    Difference Between Jpg and Gif

    There is an interesting technique being used now with Jpegs in response to the need for higher resolution images for high resolution displays. Whereas some webmasters are simply double serving higher resolution copies to detected devices, or worse yet higher resolution copies to everyone and...