Why You Need the Responsive Website Design?

Now the society is adapting the latest technologies very fast, we need to upgrade, people like to browse on smart phones and tablets, so with this rapid growth in mobile technology we need to go for Responsive Web design because it is a bet way to view a website according to the device width.
Statistics indicate that there are more searches done on mobile devices compared to desktop computers, so making websites more responsive can increase organic traffic by a huge margin. Plus, Google is also considering responsive design as a factor for ranking results. So your website being responsive is the difference between rank number 5 and number 1. Plus, it saves maintenance costs as two different websites are no longer necessary.
Because some follwing benefits:
1. Super flexible
2. Excellent user experience
3. Cost effective
4. It is Recommended By Google
5. Very Easy to manage
Why You Need a Responsive Website


Come APRIL 21, businesses that fail to upgrade to mobile and tablet optimised standards are set to LOSE OUT ON THEIR HARD-EARNED GOOGLE SEO RANKINGS and the resultant business it generates. The world is going mobile. That's why you need a responsive website today.

Google's stated goal is to IMPROVE SEARCHER EXPERIENCE. It's frustrating to search on a phone and land on a page that's so tiny you can't accurately click the links without pinching and zooming and scrolling to find the right text or links. GOOGLE IS CONVERTING THAT FRUSTRATION INTO AN IMPROVEMENT IN ITS SEARCH RESULTS, so that more mobile searchers will land on sites with positive mobile experiences. It makes sense from the searcher's perspective, which is what matters to Google.

How many of your competitors will be boosted by the mobile-friendly update? How many will be demoted? CAN YOU CAPITALIZE ON THEIR LOSS? Is this an opportunity to SURPASS THE COMPETITION? Keep in mind, receiving few visits and sales via mobile search today does not in any way indicate the true size of the opportunity.
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