Why Regular Eye Exams Are Essential for All Ages


New member
After what happened with my dad, I’ve realised how crucial it is to have a routine eye check up. Earlier, he stopped going for an eye test for several years assuming that his vision was okay. It wasn’t until he went at last, that they discovered the initial stages of glaucoma. Phew! He made it right on time, I hope he did! Where as now I make sure that I take my eye health more seriously. How often do all people here get checked up? I wonder whether individuals attend clients standardized appointments or in regard of an encountered issue.
Wow, that’s a wake-up call! I’ve always been pretty good about getting regular check-ups since I wear glasses, but I know a lot of people wait too long. My daughter had her first eye exam recently, and they caught a mild prescription. It’s definitely something I’ll stay on top of now. If you’re looking for reliable places, I found a good list of Optometrists in Smithers, BC. It’s always better to stay ahead with these things.
I totally agree with keeping up with check-ups, especially since vision can change without us even noticing. Personally, I’ve been trying to get more consistent with my own health check-ups in general. It’s easy to forget until something feels off, but I’m trying to make it a habit!