Why is java not 100% pure OOPS language?

Pure Object Oriented Language or Complete Object-Oriented Language are Fully Object-Oriented Language which supports or have features which treat everything inside the program as objects. It doesn’t support primitive datatype(like int, char, float, bool, etc.).

There are seven qualities to be satisfied for a programming language to be pure Object Oriented. They are:
⦁ Encapsulation/Data Hiding
⦁ Inheritance
⦁ Polymorphism
⦁ Abstraction
⦁ All predefined types are objects
⦁ All user-defined types are objects
⦁ All operations performed on objects must be only through methods exposed to the objects.

Java supports property 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 but fails to support property 5 and 7 given above.
Java is a OOP language and it is not a pure Object Based Programming Language.
Many languages are Object Oriented. There are seven qualities to be satisfied
for a programming language to be pure Object Oriented. They are:Encapsulation/Data Hiding Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction All predefined types are objects All operations are performed by sending messages to objects All user defined types are objects.Java is not because it supports Primitive datatype such as int, byte, long... etc, to be used, which are not objects. Contrast with a pure OOP language like Smalltalk, where there are no primitive types, and boolean, int and methods are all objects.
From a Website on google