Which social media site is best for getting more traffic?

1. Twitter The simplest of all social media platforms. However, the messages are limited to 140 characters or less, but that’s more than enough to post a link, share an image, or even trade.

2. Facebook. Facebook is the one site where you’re likely to find friends, colleagues, and relatives all floating around.

3. LinkedIn. One of the only mainstream social media sites that’s actually geared towards business, LinkedIn is to cyberspace what networking groups once were to local business communities. It’s great for meeting customers, getting in touch with vendors, recruiting new employees, and keeping up with the latest in business or industry news.

4. Xing. Another professional networking and recruitment site, Xing has the global presence and focus that LinkedIn lacks.

5. Google+. Social media’s big up-and-comer has really arrived over the past few years. By combining the best of Facebook and Twitter into one site – and backing it by the power of the world’s largest search engine, Google has given users a social site that has a little something for everyone.

6. Meetup: Meetup is an online social networking portal that facilitates offline group meetings in various localities around the world.
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This following sites are give lots of traffic to any website:

- Stumbleupon
- Reddit
- Delicious
- Bizsugar
- Slashdot
- Google+
- Pinterest
- Scoop.it
- Diigo
Which social media site is best for getting more traffic Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ etc?

It's not a relevant question to be honest, and frankly speaking the answer largely depends on your business model (industry). For B2B Linked In could be a game changer, but in most other case Facebook is undisputed king of Social Media. FB can generate good traffic as well as leads, however it all depends on the contents and their ability to engage your audience.
YouTube - Aside from being the second largest search engine, when it comes to search engine optimization, videos are more likely to appear in search results.

Instagram - We use this popular photo-sharing platform at events.

Facebook - It provides a way for your business to connect with your prospective customers all around the world.

Twitter - We also re-tweet people who have many followers to increase the likelihood of them following us back.

LinkedIn - If you are in a B2B field, this is the social media network for you to focus on.

Pinterest -
Only use this channel if you have great images to share.
Social media is the best way to getting more traffic to your website.almost every age of group uses social media for social activities.here Facebook is mostly used social media than others.
so you get more traffic than others social media by using Facebook.as per other survey other media like Twitter, Instagram also provides a good traffic to your website but Facebook is the best for getting more traffic than others.
On internet hundreds of social sites are available but famous social media sites are -

1. Facebook
2. StumbleUpon
3. Scoop
4. Linkedin
5. Twitter and more