Which is better facebook or google+

If I had 2 hrs to spend on social media optimization, I would spend 90 min on Facebook and 30 min on Google.

Developing Facebook pages and groups has been more rewarding. Additionally, you must offer freebies from time to time through FB to attract more people.
I love Facebook as it converts more for me than any other social platform.

I agree with you mate, it converts great for me too.. much more traffic than most others.. however, for Google related reasons.. one should not ignore Google Plus and likes..

the only thing google + is good for is so you'll have one more result for your business on the search results. other then that it's useless.
Both are good, but I'll go with Facebook because in today time a huge amount of people are active on Facebook. Through this social media we easily get lots of visitors or traffic to our website. We also do paid advertisement with facebook and also creat pages, event and many more. Beside
Google+ definitely has some neat abilities to subscribe to different topics and communities that you don't get on Facebook, but it still feels all pretty superfluous to me. Just because it exists still hasn't given me reason to use it. And as many people will no doubt say, it's not that Facebook is better, but it has the advantage of being the ubiquitous phone book.