Which is best PC or Laptop

It depends on your lifesytle... People say laptops are more convenient since you can carry them wherever you go, but I still prefer the good'ol desktops which are far easier to repair and upgrade. If you don't need portability and have the space it's a no-brainer for me.
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Its for your office purpose. Then i suggest you used PC which more comfortable. And as you discuss that you change your seat than it is better to use Laptop. Laptop is a portable device you can used it anywhere.
I think your signature is very spammy which almost prevented me from replying.

I prefer laptops with keyboard and mouse plugged in and in addition a monitor. It needs less power and is generally more quiet than a PC and if needed you can pick it up and put it elsewhere.
I am using HP laptop since last 6 years and it has still not shown any problem. So I can definitely suggest you to go for HP laptops.
It depends on your lifesytle... People say laptops are more convenient since you can carry them wherever you go, but I still prefer the good'ol desktops which are far easier to repair and upgrade. If you don't need portability and have the space it's a no-brainer for me.