Which is Best and compatible Mozila Or Chrome?

Chrome is more compatible and really helps to open numerous tabs in one move without frequent crashes. They also provide numerous seo friendly plugins to greatly help your website optimization.
Based on the the type and quality of search that you are relying on the browser, sometimes decides its compatibility.
When it comes to some advanced search, Chrome give you better results compared to Mozilla. But at the same time, if you are making use of more web pages at a time, there is higher chance of Chrome getting crashed and closes automatically.
Prefer Mozilla- for experiencing more privacy, security and quality extensions because Firefox is more customizable .
Prefer Chrome-if your are a developer, as it offers smooth search and syncing capabilities.
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Both browsers are good, but chrome has the best compatibility for SEO guys and easy plugins are available to do work easily.
Both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are both fantastic web browsers with each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Firefox is perfect for web developers because of customization options and variety of plug-ins. Chrome is great from a web design and interface design perspective, it has great syncing capability. Overall, both project a smooth experience for the user and are great.