Which Content Management System Is Best


New member
I want to ask you guys that which content management system you have tried and have find out to be reliable and efficient and there better than the others out there.
I have used wordpress for long time and find that this is the best platform for blogging because these are many SEO plug-ins are easily available for wordpress so this is the best platform as I think.
Hi Pico,
WordPress is the best content management system and blogging platform for me. I like to work with WordPress as it is very interesting. When I started to build a website with WordPress I was unsure as where to start until I found a very informative tutorial that is simplewebsitetutorials.com, where I learnt the basic steps to build a website or a blog.
WordPress is also my favorite Content Management System and Blogging platform.
You can optimize well your site or blog through adding Plug ins to your WordPress site.
Wordpress all the way. They are the most widely used CMS platform is one important reason and the next reason is that there are thousands of themes and plugins to choose from and get the tasks done. I guess this is where others lose out (when it comes to plugins, themes and most of them available for free).
Like the majority said, I choose Wordpress as well. It's easy to manage, has great themes, and you can add anything you want through a very simple process. I don't know if Blogger is a CMS, but if it is, that would be my second choice. I have started with this, and it's fairly simple to add themes, you need to know a bit HTML to add sections or RSS feeds if you want to add them, but overall, a good alternative to Wordpress.
As far as I know everybody here is addressing the sole content management system WordPress. Because only WOrdPress comes up with so many SEO friendly and other feature relatively plugins. Pages that are build in WordPress is index quickly in compare to other CMS. I have started with this, and it's fairly simple to add themes, you need to know a bit HTML to add sections or RSS feeds if you want to add them, but overall, a good alternative to Wordpress. I suggest you to go with WordPress..
it’s really easy to use. You don’t need any technical or programming skills to get a website up and running in no time.
If you decide to use WP all you have to do is install it and then configure the options to your liking.
There are hundreds of free templates to choose from to make designing a website easier than ever.

WP has a framework that is incredibly flexible and can be customized almost infinitely. There are applications that you can install called Plug-In’s that offer even more functions to the core of WP, like rotating video slideshows, social media additions, viewer analytics and the list goes on. So instead of spending $1000 on having someone else develop your site – you can do it, for yourself (how satisfying!) and – for free. Yes, WordPress is free!

WordPress support community is one of the best on the web. If you have a question it’s likely already been asked or, it’ll be answered within hours of you asking.

After WordPress, Drupal, Joomla .
Wordpress is the leading CMS with millions of free themes and plugins. This CMS is user-friendly; I don't have any coding knowledge and I can create a small blog network with 10 Wordpress sites without any big difficulties.
Wordpress come with a large number of useful plugins. When you start using Wordpress, you may be bothered by spammers who spam your comment section, your site forms all the day; but soon you'll realize Wordpress have many helpful anti-spam plugins such as Akismet, Accurate Form Data, and so on.
I started using Wordpress years ago because it was the most popular platform (in terms of numbers), and I figured it would be easier to find information when I needed help. This was indeed the case. This is an excellent platform for new users.
I have since gone on to build many websites in WP for myself and for clients with help of templatetoaster. I find it easy to maintain and you can do pretty much any type of website with WP.
I don't know which one is best but I always use WordPress.

And i want to say, WordPress is one of the Best CMS used by millions of webmasters to build, maintain and run their blog and websites.
Just simple answer is WordPress. Learn from beginners guide. And if you want to design your own themes then start with TemplateToaster. Reliable and Easy to use.