Best Social Networking sites are the Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.
Benefit of social media
Social media is an easy way to learn about your audience
Social media helps target audiences more effectively
Social media helps find new customers and expand your audience
Social media allows you to receive instant feedback from your customers’ perspective
Share content easier and faster with social media
Improve market intelligence and get ahead of your competitors with social media
Social media can help increase website traffic and search ranking
Social media helps generate leads for one third of the cost
Create meaningful relationships with customers through social media
Social media lets you increase brand awareness and reach with little to no budget
There are many social media sites which have advantages in a different way, but Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, youtube are the best social media sites in India.
India doesn't have a private social media website like weibo in China, so I think Facebook is still No.1 in India. Twitter and Google + are regular also