Where to Get Quality Templates

From last few days i am in search of quality templates for one of the websites i am planning to develop but all the Templates i find are very highly priced like 70 dollars or so. I am in search of Quality templates but at lower and reasonable prices so can you please tell me any good website for this purpose.
May i know what sort of templates you are looking for. Are you looking for high quality wordpress templates or just regular website templates. There are also a number of websites with which you can create free website and they offer handy amount of good templates too. Although i think if you want to have a decent website you would have to get a customized templates. I would not suggest to buy a 70 dollar template but in fact you can hire a designer offshore to bring down the cost. I think you can find people out there in 150 dollars who can do it for you and according to exact requirement.
Go to Themeforest.net. They are the best in template business. A wordpress site comes to around $50 and an HTML template normally ranges between $15-20.
There are so many High quality templates are available on Internet. First tell us what kind of templates you are looking for? I mean a HTML template or for WordPress site. When I want to create new site than I am prefer to buy it from themeforest. You can find every type of template over there. Just find your relevant template that suits your budget.