What Would Be Next. iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S


New member
Now that Apple have already launched iPhone 5 recently i am guessing that what would be next, would the next iPhone be iPhone 5S like apple did it with iPhone 4 or would the next model be iPhone 6. Please share your thoughts on the upcoming model of iPhone from Apple.
I'd place my money on an IPhone 6! Hopefully not too soon though..I really can't keep up with all the updates, and that always leaves my IPhone 3 in the dust! I've already begun to hear IPhone 6 rumors, that's why I'm leaning more towards that, but knowing Apple both are quite likely within the next 6 months.
I think iPhone 6. I do not really care myself because I am totally anti Apple due to their proprietary business practices. I know you do not want to see another update soon sheepish, but they will keep churning them out as long as people feel that they need the latest versions. One tiny upgrade and Apple freaks flock to the stores like zombies.
I think it will be the Iphone 5s. They have done with the last 2 generation of the Iphone so I don't think that they will ditch it and do something different. In my opinion though, I think that if you had the Iphone 5, the Iphone 5s would be a waste of money because usually it is just a small refresh of the phone before but there will be a massive and major change to the style of the phone when the Iphone 6 comes out.
I believe it's the iphone 5s, there is no new big technology that will make the new iphone way better than the last one.
Also remember that without Steve Jobs the company won't be bringing out so many big ideas so soon.
It probably won't be the iPhone 6 because the iPhone 4 had an S, so they're probably going to follow the same model and release an iPhone 5 S. I really love my iPhone though. It's one of my best gifts my girlfriend got for me.
It's already entering into the period of Iphone 6s!