What version of office do you use?

You may use Microsoft's office software programs daily, but that doesn't mean you know which version, service pack, and bit version you are running. Usually, this is information you need fast, so check out how to find it right in the programs you have installed, by trying the steps below.

Here's how to also find which version you have as well as related details such as which bit version you run (32-bit or 64-bit) or the latest service pack that's been applied to your installation.

When This Level of Program Detail Comes in Handy

Advantages to knowing which version of Microsoft Office you are using include:

Staying protected from attacks by using the most updated version available from Microsoft.
Staying updated on bug fixes to avoid unnecessary inconveniences while working on a project.
Avoiding document or data loss when crashes occur.
Your version may also correlate to additional tools. For example, when you check out Microsoft templates, only some may be compatible with your version.
I use MS 2007 and it think it was the best term processor they ever created. The others are just improvements with a few changes such as connections and a few extra applications which I hardly ever use. I have created a decision to keep to MS 2007 until something awesome comes out again.
Currently I m Using Microsoft Office 2007. And it is the most popular version of MS office because it is very much user friendly.