What is Web Server?

A web server is a system that serves the web pages (include content, images, etc.) to a web browser. A web server comprises the physical server, server system software (Apache or Microsoft’s IIS or other) and server OS (Windows or Linux or other).
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A Web server is a system that delivers content or services to end users over the Internet. A Web server consists of a physical server, server operating system (OS) and software used to facilitate HTTP communication.

A Web server is also known as an Internet server.
Web servers are computers that deliver (serves up) Web pages. Every Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name. For example, if you enter the URL Google in your browser, this sends a request to the Web server whose domain name is google.com. The server then fetches the page named index.html and sends it to your browser.

Any computer can be turned into a Web server by installing server software and connecting the machine to the Internet. There are many Web server software applications, including public domain software and commercial packages.

For web servers on the internet that host your website, there're many types such as shared hosting, VPS, Dedicated server, then you need to know which type is suitable your business. You can visit here for more information Compare web hosting types

Good luck to you!
A web server is a computer system that processes requests via HTTP, the basic network protocol used to distribute information on the World Wide Web. The term can refer to the entire system, or specifically to the software that accepts and supervises the HTTP requests. Wikipedia

For me, web server or web hosting is a storage for all ur single sites and contents, it is a basement and website is a house.
A Web server is a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve the files that form Web pages to users, in response to their requests, which are forwarded by their computers' HTTP clients. Dedicated computers and appliances may be referred to as Web servers as well.

The process is an example of the client/server model. All computers that host Web sites must have Web server programs. Leading Web servers include Apache (the most widely-installed Web server), Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) and nginx (pronounced engine X) from NGNIX. Other Web servers include Novell's NetWare server, Google Web Server (GWS) and IBM's family of Domino servers.
A web server is a computer system that processes requests via HTTP, the basic network protocol used to distribute information on the World Wide Web. The term can refer to the entire system, or specifically to the software that accepts and supervises the HTTP requests.
A web server is a program, it processes the request using Hyper text transfer protocol(HTTP) to distribute information on the World wide web..
A web server is a computer system that processes requests via Hypertext Transfer Protocol, basically used to distribute information on the World Wide Web