what is web 2.0 strategy

Web 2.0" was originally coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004. Web 2.0 properties are perceived as harbingers of second-generation Web usage, such as interactive communities and hosted services that facilitate collaboration and sharing between users.
Web 2.0 describes World Wide Web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier Web sites.
5 Web 2.0 Marketing Strategies
1. "Social media" means communication is no longer business as usual.

2. Blogging is the beginning of social media marketing, but beware of blog burnout.

3. Social media requires you to think differently about who creates the content, both within your company and from people who are talking to and about you.

4. Social media as a cross-channel phenomenon, Take One: Picture social media as a hub with spokes, rather than a two-way radio.

5. Social media as a cross-channel phenomenon, Take Two: Social-media marketing has many ways to measure effectiveness. It's not so easy to answer the question, "Where's the money?"
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