What is virtual hosting

Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple domain names (with separate handling of each name) on a single server (or pool of servers). This allows one server to share its resources, such as memory and processor cycles, without requiring all services provided to use the same host name. The term virtual hosting is usually used in reference to web servers but the principles do carry over to other internet services.
Virtual hosting is a broad term that incorporates a lot of different hosting services and solutions. Virtual hosting generally allows multiple IT appliances, such as websites and applications, to share a single Web server.

Traditionally, virtual hosting was limited only to website hosting, where websites were hosted and executed from a hosting service provider. However, with the advent of cloud computing and other managed services, virtual hosting now includes other solutions, such as virtual server hosting, virtual application hosting, virtual storage hosting and/or entire virtual data center hosting.
Virtual hosting is a method for organizing numerous domain with different handling of each name on a single server. This permits one web server to share its resources, such as memory and cpu cycles, without calling for all solutions supplied to utilize the same host name.
Virtual hosting is an outline of Web hosting services so that an organization or a person doesn't have to buy and maintain its own Web server or connections to the Internet. A virtual hosting provider is even called a Web or Internet "space provider.
The method in which multiple domain names are hosted on a single server is known as virtual hosting. In this method one server can share its resources, such as memory and processor.
Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple domain names (with separate handling of each name) on a single server (or pool of servers). This allows one server to share its resources, such as memory and processor cycles, without requiring all services provided to use the same host name.
Virtual hosting is a method where multiple domain names are hosted on a single server.This allows the server to share its resources without requiring all services to provided to use same host name.
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Шляпка гриба плоская, с малым углублением в центре, поперечником по 15 см. Её поверхность ровная, клейкая, окрашена в незапятнанный сероватый либо с фиолетовым отливом краска, который со порой изменяется на красновато-желтый с сероватым цветом. В нашей книжке стиль сходит о высших формах, так как конкретно они и сочиняют главный объект нашего энтузиазма продать грибы . В зависимости от места обитания гриба на шляпке может находиться чуть заметный набросок из черных концентрических кругов. Пластинки, расположенные на спороносном слое, приросшие, желтые, в процессе роста стают розовыми и покрываются ржавыми пятнышками. Нога круглая, вздутая сообразно центру либо у основания, снутри полая, извне ровная и клейкая. Её вышина сочиняет возле 8 см при поперечнике 2–3 см. Окрашена нога в серовато– либо красновато-желтый краска. Мякоть толстая, теплая, ломкая, белоснежного цвета, который на срезе скоро вечереет, становясь зеленовато-желтым. . Конструкция многоклеточного гриба состоит из подземной и наземной долей продать ягоды .
Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple domain names (with separate handling of each name) on a single server (or pool of servers). This allows one server to share its resources, such as memory and processor cycles, without requiring all services provided to use the same host name.
virtual hosting is the provision of Web server hosting services so that a company (or individual) doesn't have to purchase and maintain its own Web server and connections to the Internet. A virtual hosting provider is sometimes called a Web or Internet "space provider." Some companies providing this service simply call it "hosting." Typically, virtual hosting provides a customer who wants a Web site with: domain name registration assistance, multiple domain names that map to the registered domain name, an allocation of file storage and directory setup for the Web site files, e-mail addresses, and, optionally, Web site creation services. The virtual hosting user (the Web site owner) needs only to have a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program for exchanging files with the virtual host.

Often abbreviated vhost, a virtual host is a provider of Web services that include server functions and Internet connection services. A virtual host is often used by companies or individuals that do not want to purchase and maintain their own Web servers and Internet connections.

A virtual host will provide its customers with domain name registration, file storage and directory services for the files that Web page is built from, e-mail services and even Web site design and creation services if the customers want someone else to build their Web sites.
VPS(Virtual Private Server) hosting, also known as Virtual hosting. A virtual private server is created when a physical server is divided into a smaller, virtual container.

It is a method for hosting multiple domain names/websites on a single server. You can know more about virtual hosting from here.