What is Thread and Process?


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 Threads are basically light weight processes responsible for multitasking within a single application.
 The base class used for threading is System.Threading.
 Threads are implemented when situations in which you want to perform more than one task at a time.
 A Process is an instance of a running application.
 A thread is the Execution stream of the Process.
 A process can have multiple Threads
Thread is a light weight process responsible for multitasking within a single application.
Process is an instance of a running program and it can have multiple threads..
A process, in the simplest terms, is an executing program. One or more threads run in the context of the process. and
A thread is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time. A thread can execute any part of the process code, including parts currently being executed by another thread.
A process is an executing item of an application that can contain multiple threads. A thread is a path of execution within a process. Threads within the same process share the same address space, whereas different processes do not.
There are two definitions of thread (1) In online discussions, a series of messages that have been posted as replies to each other. A single forum or conference typically contains many threads covering different subjects. By reading each message in a thread, one after the other, you can see how the discussion has evolved. You can start a new thread by posting a message that is not a reply to an earlier message. (2) In programming, a part of a program that can execute independently of other parts. Operating systems that support multithreading enable programmers to design programs whose threaded parts can execute concurrently.

Process means an executing program. The term is used loosely as a synonym of task. To perform some useful operations on data.
Processes are used for more heavyweight tasks while threads are used for light tasks. Threads are also used in the concept of multithreading to carry out multiple actions simultaneously with some time division and prioritisation. This helps in smooth execution of the processes and also for faster operation.Processes also come together in multiprocessing which is a more complex case.