What is the use of Angular JS in Website?

AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript Framework. It is used in Single Page Application (SPA) projects. It extends HTML DOM with additional attributes and makes it more responsive to user actions. AngularJS is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. It is licensed under the Apache license version 2.0.

Example for Angular JS

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app>

<script src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.3/angular.min.js"></script>

<input type = "text" ng-model = "yourName" placeholder = "Enter a name here">
<hr />

<h1>Hello {{yourName}}!</h1>

Angular JS is a structural framework to develop dynamic web apps. Using Angular JS a designer can use HTML as a template language. It simplifies Front end development.
Angular JS helps :-
1. MVC done right
2. A declarative user interface.
4. Behavior with directives
5. Flexibility with filters
6. Write less code
7. DOM manipulations where they belong
8. Service providers where they belong
9. Context aware communication
10. Unit testing ready
11. Its a framework to use Angular for mobile development.
Angular JS helps :-
1. MVC done right
2. A declarative user interface.
4. Behavior with directives
5. Flexibility with filters
6. Write less code
7. DOM manipulations where they belong
8. Service providers where they belong
9. Context aware communication
10. Unit testing ready
11. Its a framework to use Angular for mobile development.

Good answer.

Angular js is a great way to load unlimited products while scrolling down this helps very much for product based websites.
Uses of Angular JS in Website are:

1) AngularJS Gives XAML Developers a Place to Go on the Web
2) AngularJS Gets Rid of Ritual and Ceremony
3) AngularJS Handles Dependencies
4) AngularJS Allows Developers to Express UI Declaratively and Reduce Side Effects
5) AngularJS Enables Massively Parallel Development.
6) AngularJS Enables a Design <—> Development Workflow.
7) AngularJS Gives Developers Controls
8) AngularJS Helps Developers Manage State
Angular JS helps :-
1. MVC done right
2. A declarative user interface.
4. Behavior with directives
5. Flexibility with filters
6. Write less code
7. DOM manipulations where they belong
8. Service providers where they belong
9. Context aware communication
10. Unit testing ready
11. Its a framework to use Angular for mobile development.

Omg excellent points you mentioned.
Hello you
AngularJS is especially useful while building Data Driven, CRUD, Single Page Applications - let's explore that a bit-

Single Page Applications are web app which fits in a single web page, to provide fluid user experience like a desktop or native smartphone application.
Gmail, Google Maps web applications are perfect examples of a Single Page Apps.

Data driven, CRUD (Create Read Update Delete ) Apps -
Irrespective of the capabilities of the modern web ecosystem, most of the web apps remain Line of Business, RDBMS based, CRUD operations driven Information Management Systems -

A typical example would be an HRMS or a CMS.

Now, such kind of apps are the sweet spot of AngularJS - if you're building one of such apps, AngularJS is best choice for you, to build a client side application!

Let's have a look at primary reasons to use AngularJS.

Declarative Paradigm

AngularJS relies on Declarative programming paradigm
In simple terms, it means you tell the computer WHAT to do, NOT HOW to do it!

For example, in case of AngularJS, when you want to update data in the document, you DECLARE the model using templating syntax, and when the model changes, the data on the document changes, without any additional programming! (Two-way data binding between views and controllers)
So, here you declared your model, and now AngularJS takes care of HOW to handle the updation itself!
So you told Angular WHAT to do, and it did it itself, without specific instructions on how to do it!

Now, this is a BIG WIN for pragmatic developers!
Instead of focusing on hacking the DOM, programmer can focus on core business logic and user experience!

Directives -
One of the most powerful feature of AngularJS -
Directives provide an extension to HTML markup-
You can create self-managed , autonomous "components" which can be reused throughout the web applications by creating a directive!
A directive has it's scope, controller, linking function among many other things!

You can also use directives to create a declarative, domain specific language!

Data Driven

AngularJS applications are primarily data driven - that means, data - or the domain models DRIVES the application and it's development, not vice versa!

Application is developed to cater domain models, domain models are not defined to cater needs of the application!

Now, this, again, a BIG WIN for pragmatic developers, especially when you're building front end web apps, as it is the situation when domain models are predefined and immutable!

Angular provides tons of features for managing forms really well. It provides built in, robust mechanisms for form validations, updating the forms.

When you should NOT use AngularJS?

Complex interfaces relying on heavy DOM manipulations
As we've seen, AngularJS is declarative in nature, which also implies, we have a little control over HOW things happen!
Well, sometimes, it is not what you want!
If you're building a complex user interface relying heavy on DOM manipulation at 'nuts and bolts' level, Angular is not the best choice!
For example, when building an HTML5 game, what you really need is heavy DOM manipulation!

High Performance Client Applications
In case of most of the real-life CLIENT apps, 'high performance' isn't a typical requirement, but if you have, you'll need to consider a few things.
For it's declarative magic, AngularJS relies on something called 'dirty checking' How AngularJS implements dirty checking and how to replicate it ourselves
As it sounds, it is 'dirty' from the performance perspective.
It is a common understanding that your Controller shouldn't be 'watching' more than 2000 models at a time, and, if your application needs to do something at THAT scale, Angular is not the best choice.
This drawback might get away with introduction to Angular2 and integration with native ES6 features (for example Object.observe() ) , but we'll have to wait for a while before it rolls out.

Hope this helps! :)
Hello you
AngularJS is especially useful while building Data Driven, CRUD, Single Page Applications - let's explore that a bit-

Single Page Applications are web app which fits in a single web page, to provide fluid user experience like a desktop or native smartphone application.
Gmail, Google Maps web applications are perfect examples of a Single Page Apps.

Data driven, CRUD (Create Read Update Delete ) Apps -
Irrespective of the capabilities of the modern web ecosystem, most of the web apps remain Line of Business, RDBMS based, CRUD operations driven Information Management Systems -

A typical example would be an HRMS or a CMS.

Now, such kind of apps are the sweet spot of AngularJS - if you're building one of such apps, AngularJS is best choice for you, to build a client side application!

Let's have a look at primary reasons to use AngularJS.

Declarative Paradigm

AngularJS relies on Declarative programming paradigm
In simple terms, it means you tell the computer WHAT to do, NOT HOW to do it!

For example, in case of AngularJS, when you want to update data in the document, you DECLARE the model using templating syntax, and when the model changes, the data on the document changes, without any additional programming! (Two-way data binding between views and controllers)
So, here you declared your model, and now AngularJS takes care of HOW to handle the updation itself!
So you told Angular WHAT to do, and it did it itself, without specific instructions on how to do it!

Now, this is a BIG WIN for pragmatic developers!
Instead of focusing on hacking the DOM, programmer can focus on core business logic and user experience!

Directives -
One of the most powerful feature of AngularJS -
Directives provide an extension to HTML markup-
You can create self-managed , autonomous "components" which can be reused throughout the web applications by creating a directive!
A directive has it's scope, controller, linking function among many other things!

You can also use directives to create a declarative, domain specific language!

Data Driven

AngularJS applications are primarily data driven - that means, data - or the domain models DRIVES the application and it's development, not vice versa!

Application is developed to cater domain models, domain models are not defined to cater needs of the application!

Now, this, again, a BIG WIN for pragmatic developers, especially when you're building front end web apps, as it is the situation when domain models are predefined and immutable!

Angular provides tons of features for managing forms really well. It provides built in, robust mechanisms for form validations, updating the forms.

When you should NOT use AngularJS?

Complex interfaces relying on heavy DOM manipulations
As we've seen, AngularJS is declarative in nature, which also implies, we have a little control over HOW things happen!
Well, sometimes, it is not what you want!
If you're building a complex user interface relying heavy on DOM manipulation at 'nuts and bolts' level, Angular is not the best choice!
For example, when building an HTML5 game, what you really need is heavy DOM manipulation!

High Performance Client Applications
In case of most of the real-life CLIENT apps, 'high performance' isn't a typical requirement, but if you have, you'll need to consider a few things.
For it's declarative magic, AngularJS relies on something called 'dirty checking' How AngularJS implements dirty checking and how to replicate it ourselves
As it sounds, it is 'dirty' from the performance perspective.
It is a common understanding that your Controller shouldn't be 'watching' more than 2000 models at a time, and, if your application needs to do something at THAT scale, Angular is not the best choice.
This drawback might get away with introduction to Angular2 and integration with native ES6 features (for example Object.observe() ) , but we'll have to wait for a while before it rolls out.

Hope this helps! :)

Its really helpful to know.. Thanks for sharing the post..
Angular gives an extensive variety of other prominent components like two-way information binding, formats, MVC, reliance injection, mandates, testing, and significantly more to fabricate any kind of web application.

is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. With AngularJS, designers can use HTML as the template language and it allows for the extension of HTML's syntax to convey the application's components effortlessly. Angular makes much of the code you would otherwise have to write completely redundant.
Hello you
AngularJS is especially useful while building Data Driven, CRUD, Single Page Applications - let's explore that a bit-

Single Page Applications are web app which fits in a single web page, to provide fluid user experience like a desktop or native smartphone application.
Gmail, Google Maps web applications are perfect examples of a Single Page Apps.

Data driven, CRUD (Create Read Update Delete ) Apps -
Irrespective of the capabilities of the modern web ecosystem, most of the web apps remain Line of Business, RDBMS based, CRUD operations driven Information Management Systems -

A typical example would be an HRMS or a CMS.

Now, such kind of apps are the sweet spot of AngularJS - if you're building one of such apps, AngularJS is best choice for you, to build a client side application!

Let's have a look at primary reasons to use AngularJS.

Declarative Paradigm

AngularJS relies on Declarative programming paradigm
In simple terms, it means you tell the computer WHAT to do, NOT HOW to do it!

For example, in case of AngularJS, when you want to update data in the document, you DECLARE the model using templating syntax, and when the model changes, the data on the document changes, without any additional programming! (Two-way data binding between views and controllers)
So, here you declared your model, and now AngularJS takes care of HOW to handle the updation itself!
So you told Angular WHAT to do, and it did it itself, without specific instructions on how to do it!

Now, this is a BIG WIN for pragmatic developers!
Instead of focusing on hacking the DOM, programmer can focus on core business logic and user experience!

Directives -
One of the most powerful feature of AngularJS -
Directives provide an extension to HTML markup-
You can create self-managed , autonomous "components" which can be reused throughout the web applications by creating a directive!
A directive has it's scope, controller, linking function among many other things!

You can also use directives to create a declarative, domain specific language!

Data Driven

AngularJS applications are primarily data driven - that means, data - or the domain models DRIVES the application and it's development, not vice versa!

Application is developed to cater domain models, domain models are not defined to cater needs of the application!

Now, this, again, a BIG WIN for pragmatic developers, especially when you're building front end web apps, as it is the situation when domain models are predefined and immutable!

Angular provides tons of features for managing forms really well. It provides built in, robust mechanisms for form validations, updating the forms.

When you should NOT use AngularJS?

Complex interfaces relying on heavy DOM manipulations
As we've seen, AngularJS is declarative in nature, which also implies, we have a little control over HOW things happen!
Well, sometimes, it is not what you want!
If you're building a complex user interface relying heavy on DOM manipulation at 'nuts and bolts' level, Angular is not the best choice!
For example, when building an HTML5 game, what you really need is heavy DOM manipulation!

High Performance Client Applications
In case of most of the real-life CLIENT apps, 'high performance' isn't a typical requirement, but if you have, you'll need to consider a few things.
For it's declarative magic, AngularJS relies on something called 'dirty checking' How AngularJS implements dirty checking and how to replicate it ourselves
As it sounds, it is 'dirty' from the performance perspective.
It is a common understanding that your Controller shouldn't be 'watching' more than 2000 models at a time, and, if your application needs to do something at THAT scale, Angular is not the best choice.
This drawback might get away with introduction to Angular2 and integration with native ES6 features (for example Object.observe() ) , but we'll have to wait for a while before it rolls out.

Hope this helps! :)

Very lengthy detailed explanation that is useful to our patrons.