What is the purpose of HTML

HTML is used to create the basic elements of webpages, so that other more advanced web coding languages (like Javascript) can manipulate those basic elements. HTML can be used to code an entire website, but for more complicated sites other languages are generally used in cooperation with HTML.
HTML is thse hyper text markup language and it is used to designed the webpages with more different tags. All the webpages of every website is created with help of HTML language, So HTML is important for the every website.
HTML: Origins and Purpose. The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a standard for describing the structure and presentation of information via the Internet.Nov 9, 2001
The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a standard for describing the structure and presentation of information via the Internet.
HTML is a markup language for describing web documents. HTML give structure to the content of a web page . Tables can present a data and establish the relationships between the data sets. It specifies what links are part of the site's navigation, what sentences are headers and what blocks of text are paragraphs pertaining to those headers.