What is sitemap ? is it useful to seo ?

What is sitemap ? is it useful to seo ?

There are 2 kinds of sitemaps, one is an XML Sitemap, and the other is an HTML sitemap.

An XML Sitemap is crucial to SEO because it lets the crawlers know which pages to index first, and which to pay no mind to. Without submitting an XML Sitemap to google and the others (if you're not using WordPress and a plugin like Yoast's SEO) your website wont be indexed or ranked.

An HTML sitemap is the sitemap which your audience uses to navigate your website.
Consider this scenario. You go into a big shopping complex. You have never been there before. So how do you find your way around? Simple. Just look for the directory of shops. This is usually placed at some highly-visible and prominent place like next to the escalators or elevators. That, basically, is the sitemap of the shopping complex.

Same thing happens when a visitor comes to your site for the first time. He needs help in getting around. So you give him a sitemap to make things easier.
Your site structure with a quality and updated site map is important to let the search spiders or robots access your site in the most efficient way possible. Site map also prevent these robots from hitting the pages you do not want to index.
I'm no expert, but I like to believe it is good for my site, I execute my sitemap plugin daily and my pages seem to get raked quicker than without the plugin. If you run a WordPress blog then you could try eithger Google XML Sitemap or Yoast's WordPress SEO plugin which has an XML sitemap feature built into it.
A site map is a visual or textually organized model of a Web site's content that allows the users to navigate through the site to find the information they are looking for, just as a traditional geographical map helps people find places they are looking for in the real world. A site map is a kind of interactive table of contents, in which each listed item links directly to its counterpart sections of the Web site. Site maps perform the same service that the layout maps in large shopping malls perform: without them, it is possible to explore a complex site by trial and error, but if you want to be sure to find what you're looking for, the most efficient way to do that is to consult a model of the resources available. If a Web site is small and uncomplicated, a site map may be unnecessary, just as a layout map may not be required for shoppers to find their way through small shopping malls.
Sitemap is mainly Html, XMl and ROR . Xml sitemaps contains the links of all your internal pages html sitemap is for navigation, XMl is for bot or crawler or ROR sitemap is for RESOURCE of RESOURCES. It defined the particular object event in the content and add it world wide web.
Yes, a site map is very useful from SEO point of view, it is a map of your site, i.e shows the structure of your site. It makes navigation of your site easier for users as well as for search engines.