What is Runtime Host?


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Ranging from Windows applications, Web applications to Mobile applications, CLR is designed to support various types of applications. .NET Framework provides different types of runtime hosts to manage the execution of application co e(to load runtime in to process, create application domain within process, load user code in to application omain) and provides various services to the application. Runtime hosts included in .Net framework are : ASP.NET, Microsoft Internet Explorer and windows shell.
The runtime that is alluded to is truly the .Net runtime or CLR. Furthermore, from a streamlined customary OS perspective, the CLR is truly only an arrangement of DLLs. In this way, you require an OS procedure to stack and execute the passage purpose of that DLL. This facilitating executable is your runtime host. As a general rule the .Net runtime host does a great deal of things for the CLR.
Runtime host loads the runtime into process,that is to handle the web request. ASP.net also creates an application domain for each application that will run on a web server
Web Server: Web server handles web requests sent by visitors visiting your website. Web server runs on Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS, etc.

Application server: Application server is the server that works between Web server and database server and basically manages, processes the data.

Database Server: Database server handles database queries. It runs on MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, etc.