All php operators are divided in 7 groups generally.
1. Arithmetic Operators - These are use for arithmetic operation like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulus, Exponentiation.
2. Comparison Operators - They use for comparing value of variables. like Equal, grater than, not equal, identical etc.
3. Assignment Operators - It is basically "="
4. Increment / decrement Operators - it is use for increment or decrement of variable value.
5. Logical Operators - They are use for combine conditional statement. like and, or , &&, || , !
6. String Operators - "." and ".=" callled as string oprators which used for Concatenation.
7. Array Operators - For comparing array like Union, Equality, Identity, Inequality, Inequality.
There are some other array too used in php as bitwise, error control, execution, etc.