What is mobile SEO?


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Mobile SEO describes the activity of doing search engine optimization to increase your website’s visibility in mobile searches. A good mobile website has a responsive design which performs well on desktops as well as mobile devices. It not only reduces the maintenance of the website but also makes the content consistent for the search engines.
Responsive web design uses the same code for both mobile as well as for the desktop versions of a site. One and the same URL gives the same HTML-code and different CSS-code, which varies depending on the device.

Dynamic serving is when the server gives different CSS-codes (and HTML-codes) on one URL, depending on the user agent that requests the page. This user agent determines the code that should be displayed.

Conversion rate optimization and focus. Determine the purpose of your mobile site and try to create alternatives to achieve conversions. Mobile traffic is converted in different ways compared with traditional traffic.
Mobile SEO is basically optimization for Search Engine results in Mobile. Yep, that simple! There are so many Differences Between Google Mobile & Desktop Search Results
Mobile Search Engine Optimization is the process of designing a website to make it suitable for viewing on mobile devices of different screen sizes having low bandwidth. Apart from following all the SEO rules which are applicable to a desktop website, we need to take additional care while designing a website for mobile devices.
Mobile SEO is often treated like a very different animal when it’s compared to the more standard SEO practices we’ve come to accept when creating online content. Now that you’ve started to master search engine optimization practices for the Internet, it’s time to master a whole new skill named mobile SEO.
One of the things marketers need to keep in mind is that mobile SEO is all about context. About thinking like the user, determining what behavior users have on the mobile version of their site, and how that differs from the desktop site. Moreover, mobile SEO has to be about what you want users to do on your mobile site, and how you might want to influence their behavior in order to move them down the conversion funnel.
Mobile SEO means making your website mobile friendly as well by optimization. Some websites work nice on system screen but it looks uncomfortable on mobile screen due to their lack of responsiveness.
Mobile SEO means - Mobile Search Engine Optimization. Optimizing websites for google or other search engine to be mobile friendly or to rank high in search results in a mobile
Mobile SEO is basically optimization for Search Engine results in Mobile. Yep, that simple! There are so many Differences Between Google Mobile & Desktop Search Results, if you are only focused on desktop search, you are missing a very big opportunity. Mobile continuously outgrows desktop search. Thanks to the rise of smart phones, people nowadays do search using their mobile or tablet devices.
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