what is Masking URL ??

URL Masking means that the visitors to the domain name will be forwarded to your destination website, however the URL in their browser address bar will remain the same. Also known as Stealth Redirection or URL Hiding, this will ensure that your visitors see the orignal domain name and not the destination URL. For more details visit this link What is url masking and why is different from link cloaking
Masking URL is the process of hiding the original domain name of a website with another name.
URL Masking...
... means that visitors to the domain name will be forwarded to your destination website, however the URL in their browser address bar will remain the same. Also known as Stealth Redirection or URL Hiding, this will ensure that your visitors see the original domain name and not the destination URL.

URL masking mean that you would like to hide the actual path of the website file. In order to do that, you may always use frame tag. It also means that the visitors to the domain name will be forwarded to your destination website, however the URL in their browser address bar will remain the same. The URL masking is also known as Stealth Redirection or URL Hiding. This will ensure that your visitors see the original domain name and not the destination URL.

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