What is Keyword Difficulty?

Keyword difficulty identifies how difficult it would be to rank well for a particular keyword. and the value is higher for more popular words because it will be more difficult to compete with 1,000s of other sites for a popular word than with 10s of others for the less popular ones.

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Google trouble is the trouble for a site page to accomplish beat page situating on an internet searcher, for example, Google for a catchphrase.
To quantify keyword difficulty, you will associate it with the keyword searches; the higher the keyword search volume, the more competitive the keyword, in most cases. We can look not only at the amount of search volume but also the number of indexed pages in Google containing the exact term. The higher the number of competing pages, the more the keyword would tend to be competitive.
Therefore, to give a mathematical definition, keyword difficulty can be approximated by the following formula:
Keyword Difficulty = Keyword Search Volume (Exact match) x Google competing pages
In the above definition, it is obvious that if a certain keyword has a very high search volume and many competing pages, it is a difficult keyword for which to rank in Google.
The size of the domain can be measured by the number of indexed URLs in Google using the operator.