What is Grey Hat SEO


New member
Can any body tell me what exactly is grey hat SEO. I have heard the terms white hat and black hat but i do not know what exactly is grey hat and how is it different from white hat and other Search Engine Optimization techniques.
Grey hat SEO is somewhere in between white hat and black hat. Most commonly this term Grey Hat is used when SEO is not falling 100 percent in white hat SEO category but not in blackhat either.
what is gray hat?
>SEO using both white hat and black hat techniques is called gray hat.
>white hat-seo techniques which abide by the guidelines of search engine.
>black hat-method or technique of optimization which are in violation of search engine guidelines.
Gray hat seo is nothing just a term to confusing your mind. Most people that doesn't have work and have spare time they used this types of term. Generally gray hat known as is mixture of black hat and white hat seo techniques.
But according to me if you we use any of black hat seo in our seo process, then it becomes black hat seo.
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gray hat seo include duplicate contant and paid links cloaking paying for social bookmarking and automated generate social media.
Gray hat seo is combination of the black hat seo and white hat seo. Gray hat SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization strategies. Black hat SEO will get you banned. Gray hat might get you a smackdown from the search engines
Grey Hat SEO is also method like a white hat and black hat but about best platform so i have using a White hat SEO because that factors provide a backlinks for your website..
The term "grey hat" refers to a computer hacker or computer security expert who may sometimes violate laws or typical ethical standards, but does not have the malicious intent typical of a black hat hacker.
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