what is google zebra

google zebra is nothing but google updated version of penguin & panda.
>It is a penalty designed to penalize low quality merchants.
>It is a penalty designed to penalize social media spam.
Apparently merchants need to do the following:

A “view your shopping cart” link that stays on the same site.
A shopping cart that updates when you add items to it.
A return policy with a physical address.
A shipping charge calculator that works.
A “wish list” link, or a link to postpone the purchase of an item until later.
A way to track FedEx orders.
A user forum that works.
The ability to register or login.
A gift registry that works.
Google Zebra, all the tools that generate fake likes and followers will be permanently banned. This is simple that Google will get Socially Smart after this update.
it is just rumors, speculation and fear-mongering at this point. Most of the articles you will find about it have little to no facts to back them up, and most seem to be just copying one or two that originally tossed the idea out there. There has been so much hype surrounding the named updates that there are a lot of people who now truly believe that Google is out to get them.