What is Google algoritham ?

Google is centered around enhancing its web search administrations for online users, and by keeping a track of changes in Google's Algorithm updates, marketers can increase ranking of their sites. Google has a long history of famous SEO algorithm updates that channelize ranking mechanism of SERPs.
Google Algorithm:

Google Algorithm is a set of rules, or a unique formula, that the search engine uses to determine the significance of a Web page, and each search engine has its own set of rules.


How Algorithms Works:
Google uses tiny programs called “spiders” to index your sites. These programs are designed to browse the web, moving from page to page and from link to link.
Google has some algorithm to rank website in search engine top, here search engine has different algorithms for ranking , website errors, web quality, and so on filters based on penguin , panda algorithm which is applying on it by Google.
Set of rules or guidelines defined by Google to rank a page, all these rules are set in a program which you call an Algorithm and it is very complex in nature and still not completely revealed by google how it works.
Google keeps on releasing updates to its Algo to fix current the web world is facing to create a fair atmosphere to work in.