What is frame? Write its types.?


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HTML Frames can be used to split a web page so you can load multiple HTML files or pages into one web page. This will cause the web browser to display multiple pages at one time. A common example of this technique which I like to use is to display an index of a document on the left side of the browser window with descriptions and links so when the reader clicks on the link, that page is displayed on the right side of the browser window. Using HTML frames may be a bit complicated at first for those new to HTML, so you may want to skip this section or skim it, then come back to it when you want to create frames in your HTML documents.

There are two types of frame: 1) frameset 2) iframe

<html> <head> <title>Frames example</title> </head> <frameset rows="10%,80%,10%"> <frame src="/html/top_frame.htm" /> <frame src="/html/main_frame.htm" /> <frame src="/html/bottom_frame.htm" /> <noframes> <body> Your browser does not support frames. </body> </noframes> </frameset> </html>
HTML frames are used to divide your browser window into multiple sections where each section can load a separate HTML document. A collection of frames in the browser window is known as a frameset.

Frames is three type given below:

1.Top Frame
2.Main Frame
2.Bottom Frame

HTML frames allow authors to present documents in multiple views, which may be independent windows or subwindows. Multiple views offer designers a way to keep certain information visible, while other views are scrolled or replaced. For example, within the same window, one frame might display a static banner, a second a navigation menu, and a third the main document that can be scrolled through or replaced by navigating in the second frame
1. In software, a frame is an edge or border that resembles a physical frame you would find around a picture. Frames are often used in word processing and graphic arts to help focus a viewer's attention.
2. In data or network communications, a frame is a data transmission unit with a header to indicate the beginning of a block of data and a trailer to indicate the end of it.
3. With a web page, a frame is a movable or non-movable portion of a web page that can make navigation easier and a way to bring other content from other sources into a page. A good example of this is the use of Internet advertising banners on a web page.
Creating script to break web page out of frames.
4. A frame is a single, still image displayed by the computer, video hardware, or software application and part of a larger sequence of images that make up a video or computer game. Also, see FPS and frame rate.
5. When referring to HTML, the <frame> tag was used to designate a specific window within a <frameset> element. The <frame> tag is not supported in HTML5