What is CPA and CPM?

Cost per action (CPA) is an online advertising marketing strategy that allows an advertiser to pay for a specified action from a prospective customer. Doing a CPA campaign is relatively low risk for the advertiser, as payment only has to be made when a specific action takes place. CPA offers are most commonly associted with affiliate marketing. Cost per action is also known as cost per acquisition (CPA).

CPM stands for cost per 1,000 impressions. Think of impressions like views: the first time your ad is served to someone in either their News Feed, mobile News Feed or as a right column ad, that will count as an impression. CPM might be a good choice for your business if you want to build awareness around your brand.
For exampe - If your CPM is $1, you'll be charged $1 for every 1,000 impressions on your ad.
CPM means Cost Per Thousand. (M is the Roman numeral for thousand – and so Cost Per Thousand).

This is the amount you will pay the ad-network or website publisher to show your ad a thousand times on their website or across their ad-network.

Whether your ad is shown only once to each visitor (Unique Impressions) or any number of times – is something that you will have to work out with the nad-network or the website.
CPA means Cost Per Action. The Action could be any of the following types of actions – A visitor clicking on your banner coming to your site and filling up a simple enquiry form (CPR – Cost Per Registration) , or if the visitor makes a purchase (CPS – Cost Per sale). It could be a flat fee or a percentage commission of the sale made.
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