Canonical URL: the search engine friendly URL that you want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is the URL that you want visitors to see. Quite often canonical URLs were used to describe the homepage.
Canonical Urls are on the page and define which url the page should be indexed as. This is used when you have one or more url parameters that might resolve that same content.
The web crawler agreeable URL that you need the web crawlers to regard as legitimate. At the end of the day, a standard URL is the URL that you need guests to see. Frequently accepted URLs were utilized to depict the landing page.
The canonical URL or tag is an important tag used in SEO optimization to avoid possible content duplication between two pages published with content similarity. If the same content portion is published with more than 1 URL it may cause content duplication. To avoid the problems of content duplication canonical tags are used.
Canonical URL: the search engine friendly URL that you want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is the URL that you want visitors to see. Quite often canonical URLs were used to describe the homepage.
Canonical URL: the program friendly URL that you just wish the search engines to treat as authoritative. In different words, a canonical URL is that the URL that you just wish guests to visualize. very often canonical URLs were accustomed describe the homepage.