What is Benefit of Press Release?

The press release is still alive and well, and even in this age of new media, press releases have adapted to help companies get valuable publicity for spreading their message. Today’s press release still helps companies get media coverage (even on blogs and podcasts now), and they can also provide SEO benefits
Press Release plays a vital role in SEO. I think almost all kinds of business needs to promote through press release sites because it is the best way to know people about your business. People easily get information about your business through Press Release.
Hello everyone,
I'm the new guy here so I want to impress by my first post so I can discuss with you more and more later. The thread is all about the benefit of press release, so first we should notice about the definition of a press release. As we all know press release is an official stated newspaper used to give information about a specific topic. Press release is considered as the second most important method of link building according to moz - and well, moz is the biggest forum of SEO, I never heard of a person who does SEO work without experience and knowledge form moz.
The critical point of view here is why press release can bring such high benefit. You all know the term "Content is King", thanks to Google. As Google really recommend high quality content so a fresh and quality content will bring much more value than just a bare link. Press release is, in fact, a very great source of quality content, which needs to be approved by website's moderator to be published. That's why Google want a link comes from such trusted source like that.
Thank you for reading my comment, I will discuss more about SEO knowledge, as I have a little experience about SEO and really want a discussion forum to learn more.
If we write quality press release that the press release go on Google news and than you will get huge amount of traffic by that press release..
Press Release is such a kind of platform where you can distribute your any kind of information's, updates, or upcoming events. Press Release is one of the best factor of SEO also which prefer by many users, and there so many site are exiting in WWW where large number of people are visits over there on regular basis which is helpful to distribute the information's which you want to share.
1. Instant Exposure for Your Art Site, Event or Service
2. Increased Traffic to your Art Website
3. Increased Sales of Your Art or Art Services
4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Benefits
5. Improved Branding Online
6. Press Releases are a Great Marketing Addition
7. Press Releases Create Backlinks to Your Art Website
8. Press Releases are Industry Specific with Location Targeting
9. PR is Distributed to Art Related Blogs and Art News Sites
10. Press Releases Can Provide Worldwide Reach
1. Instant Exposure for Your Art Site, Event or Service

Once a press release is made live, it should be searchable on the internet. With proper keywords, title tags and meta-descriptions, the press release can be found immediately on the internet.

2. Increased Traffic to your Art Website

Relevant subject matter and embedded links, article posts or ads will draw visitors to your website.

3. Increased Sales of Your Art or Art Services

With the increase in traffic to your website, there should be a corresponding amount of conversions (sale of your product or service).

4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Benefits

Press releases should contain keywords related to your subject or service. Make sure that any tags point to your subject as well. The subject’s relevant keywords and tags will make your press release article searchable for others on the internet.

5. Improved Branding Online

Over time, a well-conducted and consistent PR campaign will help to brand the artist and their art within their art niche.

6. Press Releases are a Great Marketing Addition

Press releases are a great way for an artist to add to their marketing and promotional campaigns. It is a medium that is controlled by the artist in terms of “message” and “target audience”.

7. Press Releases Create Backlinks to Your Art Website

Well-written, strategically placed press releases create backlinks to the artist’s website. The number of back links will eventually increase the artist’s page rank with major search engines.

8. Press Releases are Industry Specific with Location Targeting

Press release distribution sites are now set up based on industry types (such as Arts & Entertainment) and geographic locations. This unique targeting improves the chances that the message will be read by the artist’s particular target audience.

9. PR is Distributed to Art Related Blogs and Art News Sites

Press releases also are distributed and read by art blogs and art news websites. This form of distribution will increase the artist’s overall reach and may potentially open up opportunities for additional exposure for the artist.

10. Press Releases Can Provide Worldwide Reach

Depending on the service and its target audience, press releases to provide an artist with worldwide reach and exposure.