What is Atl Tag in SEO?

Images are important to websites.IMG tags can only have ALT elements. TITLE elements belong to A HREF tags. You can have both, but only ALT tags are believed to have any weight with search engines. They add value to the design, break up the text,Search engine spiders can’t read the text in images. The ALT tag is an attribute that allows you to add descriptive text which can be crawled by search engines. The purpose of the ALT tag is to describe the image. In SEO, the importance of the ALT tag ability to help your web page rank and if you choose to have images indexed, increase your exposure through image search.
The alt feature is a modifier that gives illustrative details about the picture called in an individual picture tag within a page of HTML rule. The alt attribute's illustrative details is useful to assist creatively affected customers and online search engine spiders as they get around the site.
“alt tag” is a commonly used abbreviation of what's actually an alt attribute on an img tag. For any image on your site, the alt tag should describe what's on it. Screen readers for the blind and visually impaired will read out this text and thus make your image accessible.
the term “alt tag” is a commonly used abbreviation of what's actually an alt attribute on an img tag. For any image on your site, the alt tag should describe what's on it. Screen readers for the blind and visually impaired will read out this text and thus make your image accessible.

An HTML attribute specified in the IMG tag to provide alternate text when an image on a Web page cannot be displayed.