What is an outbound link?

Outbound connections, additionally called outer connections, direct guests from pages on your site to different locales on the Internet. In contrast to inbound connections, which send guests to different pages on your site, outbound connections send guests to altogether various destinations. On the off chance that another site connects to you, it is viewed as an outbound connection.
Outbound links are the links that are pointing to different websites from your websites.Outbound links are links that are meant to take you elsewhere. These are links that are going to direct you to another specific webpage or website altogether. Most, if not all, websites have outbound links.
An outbound link is a hyperlink on a website which points to another website. They take the user to another destination, usually other websites, therefore they should be used with care. Also, they should point only to trusted websites, as outbound links to low-quality websites will hurt your reputation.