What is a website?

A website is a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server.
WordPress is free. Open source is glorious, and anyone can take WordPress to do something even more awesome. Someone will, sooner or later. Fork it baby!
There’s money to be made. I’ve already told you how to make money with WordPress. By all means do, I encourage it.
WordPress promotes a generous attitude. Sharing is caring, that’s why we chip in an create this awesome software and its ecosystem of themes and plugins together.
The community is great. Wether you’re using the official support forums, any WordPress focused community, the comment forms on WordPress related sites, you’ll get nice civilized responses most of the time. Let’s maintain that, folks.
WordPress is user friendly. Cuddly even, and although it could improve – what can’t really? – it is by far the easiest CMS sporting this kind of power.
A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that include a beginning file called a home page. ... IBM's home page address leads to thousands of pages.
A website is the collection of different web pages having related information and typically identified with a common domain name. Tim Berners-Lee built the first website which was online on 6th August 1991.