What Do You Means About "OG properties" In Seo..?

The official definition of the Open Graph protocol indicates that this is a protocol which allows a web page to become a "rich" object in a social network.
More specifically, the Open Graph Protocol is a set of tags that allows a webmaster to give major social networks (Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Linked in...) detailed information about its pages. This information will allow social networks to better display a link on those pages that have been placed by the users.
In theory, the impact of the Open Graph on SEO is limited. Actually, the Open Graph protocol is intended primarily to social networks (Facebook, Google +, Twitter...) and not to search engines (Google, Bing...)

In practice, however, the social networks, like Facebook for example, have become so important in recent years that the search engines can’t ignore the Open Graph data in their algorithms. It would be adventurous enough to accurately describe the impact of this kind of data, but its impact undoubtedly exists. It is also certain that the major search engines analyze these Open Graph tags. In particular, Google may tend to favor pages used in its Google + social network.

For SEO, historically, the webmasters should primarily focus their attention on the title and meta description tags of their pages. Today, it is equally important to add Open Graph tags on the web pages, particularly if these pages are frequently shared on social networks like Facebook.