Original and interesting content can earn more likes, shares, and recommendations among users.
Fresh content can give a boost to search engine rankings because search engine doesn't like duplicate content.
Unique content can create authority among customer base and that can boost your website or brand reputations.
Benefit of creating original and optimized content is search engine prefers quality content and it also engages users to read content and also it increases the traffic to the website, also improves the rank of the website on search engines.
adding unique and quality content in your website always helps you to derive traffic to your website ad always helpful to the get higher rank in SERP. when google see that the uniqueness and quality of your content then google easily crawl your content by crawling then the website ranks surely be better that will directly effects your SEO or SERP position.
Creating the original content will be more effective or useful than the duplicate content because original content improves the visibility of the website on the search engine.
The following is the benefits when creating original content:
1. Advance the credibility
2. Push people back to your website
3. Increase your search rankings
4. Remind people who you are
Original content increase PR fast to your website or blog considerably, the first tip is to make sure that a website or a blog has high quality content. Make quality backlink from article submission, social bookmarking, blog posting, forum posting.
Using Unique or Original Content to get below benefits and more
Creating original and unique content illustrates your authority.
drive traffic back to your website
Increase Your Search Rankings
Remind People Who You Are