What Are The Benefits Of Using Google Webmaster Tools

Basic Benefits:

Access to search statistics on Google

Latest data regarding incoming links and internal links

Sends notification if your site has any crawl errors (misdirecting) and/or malware (spam, viruses, etc)

Shows you keywords you are targeting and how effective they are

Insights into crawling and indexing activity on the site
Basic Benefits:

Access to search statistics on Google

Latest data regarding incoming links and internal links

Sends notification if your site has any crawl errors (misdirecting) and/or malware (spam, viruses, etc)

Shows you keywords you are targeting and how effective they are

Insights into crawling and indexing activity on the site
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Hello Dear

Google webmasters tools set of tools for webmasters,it's very useful tool set. that allows you to communicate with google and adjust many aspects of how google sees your site,such as list the external and internal links to your site adjust crawl rate at which google bot indexes your site,check the keywords users typed to land on your site as well as the click through rate for each keyword see your site's statistics and many more.Google webmasters tools together with google analytics the results will be even better.
Most of the benefits are already discussed here but the most important is "Disavow Tool". you can disavow tool in case if you fell to get removed any unnatural links or low-quality links or harmfull links. By uploading simple text file consist of all spamy url you can tell google to ignore them while analysing your site.
Benefits of Google webmaster tool:

1. The Best Not-Provided Alternative for Keyword Data
2. Monitor Your Site’s Link Profile
3. Get E-mail Notifications About Your Sites Issues/Penalties
4. Recover Your Site Using The Disavow Tool
5. Identify Broken Pages on Your Site

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