What Are Good Colors To Use On A Website Background


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I want to discuss with you guys on what do you think are the good colors to have for a shopping related website. There are also adsense ads on this website and the purpose for asking this question here is to discuss good colors which look nice to eyes and also do good for ad-sense optimization.
I think it is important that you don't make the website too in your face or bright. I would keep your main sections, with a white background, and then if you have a page background you could make that another colour to make your site look different an unique.

Make links a different colour to your usual text, and make them a colour which contrasts your background.

This website is great for finding colour schemes which match or contrast: Color Scheme Designer 3
I think anything neutral works well. White, light grey, muted beiges, etc. Although some other colors might look nice, I think it is best to go with neutral for the background and text. You can play a little more with colors when you are making your graphics. ;)
I think dark, light and light, light looks good, but never dark, dark. For example, Black and Cyan is good. White and Cyan is good. Black and Gray isn't good. Those are my opinions, though.
I would say to keep the main background white. I have seen people mix darker backgrounds with light font and often it is harder on the eyes to read. White with black fonts does look more professional too for a business. A personal blog is a different story, but a business would want to look more professional.

Also if you have items with pictures on it, they will all go well with a white black ground.
I usually go for white or gray whenever I can, anything neutral would be a good pick. I would stay away from black backgrounds though, because even if it seems like it would be less strain on the eyes on principle, it actually works as the opposite when you place text there and you have to stare at it for long periods of time. Whites are safest for any industry and I actually prefer it because it brings out photos and it's the easiest to use when you have to emphasize on any button or text.
I don't have a background at all on my website, if you consider pure white a background. I have a dynamic full width website so a background would really ruin it. People aren't on your website to praise the background after all, put some nice content on it and nobody will notice.
For the backgrounds of my sites I rarely use anything other than white or a light gray. Maybe a very light color with low saturation.

No need to use anything fancy for a webshop background. Function over form in this case.
You can look at shopping templates at templatemonster to come up with a color scheme for your site. Do not use a template with lots of contrasting colors as it can hurt the eyes of your visitors. I prefer to go with light and neutral colors for my sites but I also like sites with innovative color schemes.
When I first created my website I used White as the background and then eventually, I found a more suitable photo to serve as the background. Avoid using a flashy one though as it tends to tire out the eyes of your visitors - I made that mistake once and within 2 days, I had to fix the error as I got a lot of feedback from friends who visited my website.
According to me i suggest light background color for any site and its really looks really really good on your webpage.
It depends on what you want.If you use the dark colors in your site as the gaming and fashion sites so it will heavy and it takes time in loading properly.If you used light color so site will be soft and runs good.Other than this if you want to know more about marketing and IT related topics so side a look on checkedsitelist.com .
you should use the white background, black letters, it is important to share pictures so contrasty enough gloss to the visitor noticed!