What are elements a good website must have?

Few of the essential elements that helps to make a good website design are:

1. Content
2. Good Visual Design
3. Credibility
4. Simple Navigation
5. Call to Action
6. Informational Footer
7. Style for buttons
8. Great Images
9. Web fonts
10. Social Media Integration
11. Responsive design
12. Search facility
13. Contact Information
14. About Us
Good website is the one that speaks about you and engaging.
The basic elements for a good website are
1) Good visual design : Use a design that is pleasing. Use graphics that do not increase the page loading time
2) User friendly : Make a website which is easy to use.
3) Optimized content : Write a content to which visitors can easily relate to.
4) Proper navigation : Have an easy navigation options.
5) Mobile friendly : Website must look good on mobile phones. It should be Mobile optimized.
1. Logo, name to identify who you are
2. Well-planned navigation menus
3. Great content for Web
4. Call to Action with a method of contact
proxy is a product of great web design, you could click my signature for more ^^
1. A Homepage that eloquently and clearly tells WHAT you do right away
2. Your Logo, name or some other kind of way to identify who you are
3. Well-planned Navigation Menus, even if it’s really simple or even if it’s a really small website
4. Great Content – written specifically for the web
5. Call to Action with a method of contact
Some Important elements a Good website needs to incorporate:

User Interface Elements
User Experience Friendliness
Search Engine Friendliness (* I know I sound like a Typical SEO guy)
Elegant and yet simple layout
Mobile friendly & Responsive
Eye friendly colors
Content Management System
Amazing Site Structure
Expressive Images
Chat support
Captcha & other spam control measures
Subscribing option
Amazing Content (*Needless to say)
Elegant "Call to actions"
And More
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I outline some main point of a perfect website. if you dont understand something, you can ask me anytime
01 Design & Content
1 - Headline
2 – Navigation
3 – Copy
4 – Readability
5 – Web Fonts
6 – Images
7 – Trust Signals
8 – Breadcrumbs
9 – Video
10 – Footer
02 Call to Actions
1 – Main Call to Action
2 – Social Sharing Buttons
3 – Secondary CTAs
4 – Cross-selling & Upselling
03 On-site SEO
1 – Site Architecture
2 – URL Structure
3 – Title Tag
4 – Meta Description
5 – Header Tags
6 – Contextual Links
7 – Alt Tags
8 – Video Hosting & Sitemap
9 – Sitemap
04 Markup
1 – Authorship Markup
2 – Schema.org
3 – Breadcrumbs (markup)
4 – Rel=canonical
5 – Open Graph Protocol
05 Code
1 – Load Times
2 – Image Compression
3 – Responsive Design
4 – HTML5
5 – CSS3
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