Web Hosting Reviews and HostGator Sucks- Find Out Why, HostPapa Reviews!


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HostPapa Reviews and HostGator And BlueHost Sucks

HostGator is complete and utter rubbish and anyone who says otherwise is a lying manipulating unhonest affiliate! The only way to know if a host is good or not you need to read REAL people's reviews. Most of the 'reviews' you read online are not real people but they are manipulated reviews. Now I am a affiliate with Hostpapa but I am not recommending them Because I found they have many poor reviews, they also have lots of good reviews but way too many low rating which raises red flags.

Now, here is how you know the reviews are real. If you find reviews of real people with a balance of good and bad reviews then you will know the reviews are real even if the website is a affiliate. But if you find on one site all good reviews and on others all bad for the same host- then you should know the good reviews you saw are fake!

Sometimes affiliates mention some good and bad of hosts and that is what i used to do but that is simply not a good way to really know if the hosts are worth using because there still remains a degree of bias and that is how I was but I tried to keep it honest but its simply not possible to do unless affiliates show REAL people reviews.

I searched google and found a website that has people reviews of hosts and hostgator and bluehost and others had very poor reviews and many other sites I saw also had poor reviews and I saw some with nearly all good reviews so I concluded the ones with good reviews are all fake and the bad ones are true, why? Because the website that had bad reviews for both hostgator and bluehost had all or main other web hosting providers and some had mostly good but some bad reviews and that is how you know the reviews are real when there is not just good reviews but some bad ones. If you find only good reviews or review then its fake made by a affiliate.

As I said I am a affiliate with HostPapa as well as Bluehost but I do not recommend anyone to use HostPapa or Bluehost because what appears to real reviews of them are poor reviews which is the case for HostGator as well.

I do NOT recommend Hostpapa and all well known hosts based on what? Nothing other then real people reviews, that is literally the only way to know if a service is good, you need to see real reviews, not bought or fake or exchange reviews but real reviews.

Sites that allow normal people to review that is the kind of sites your looking for, and even then you can't be 100% the reviews are real but use your judgment as best as you can.

Here is my reason why hostgator sucks and why I advised InMotion Hosting instead as a provider: The fact is InMotion has the best reviews on average by what appears to be real reviews and even then I can't be sure if the reviews are real or not and InMotion also has poor reviews but out of all hosts out there that are well known they seem to have the least poor reviews. click over to my blog.
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